Chapter 38

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***Morgan's POV***

I woke up to the sun peeking through the large painless window next to my bed. My body ached everywhere especially my head. Matt was awake and laying next to me with his arm holding me close by his side.

"Good morning love" He whispered sweetly as he kissed the top of my head.

I didn't say anything back, I just nodded to acknowledge him.

It felt like someone was pounding my head with a hammer. Soon enough my nurse came in, changed my IV and gave me a painkiller to knock out the pain.

Matt and I laid in each others arms as the hospital world went by around up. The beeping, the nurses rushing down the hallways, the carts rolling by.

Jamie offered me breakfast but I refused, I had no appetite.

Matt soon got up to check his phone, he was texting someone, probably one of the guys. Then he reached into a bag he brought and handed me my phone.

"Thanks" I groaned, still in pain.

I looked through my messages, nothing new. Shocker. Just a few notifications from twitter, which I went to check. The tweets were:

Get well Morgan!


We hope you feel better! We love you.

And there were about 20 more like that. How did they know?

I went to the Avenged Sevenfold twitter, Matt had tweeted a picture of the hospital bed and him holding my had, luckily my face was only halfway in the picture. I felt like hell and death combined. Although I didn't look that bad. He must of taken the picture while I was sleeping or something.

The tweet read:

Please pray for my beautiful girlfriend, @xxMorganxx

Our relationship was publicized. How were the fans going to take this? I knew from being a part of the fandom that half of them liked Val and half of them disliked her. With my luck I'd probably get more death threats.

Matt was still on his phone, I looked over to him and said, "thanks"

"For what?" He questioned.

"The tweet" I smiled.

"Oh... Yeah" he half smilied.

"Now your fans know"

"Yeah, lets just hope this isn't a mistake"

"They were gunna find out sooner or later anyways" I laughed.

As our short conversation ended I heard the door creek open.

"mmoooorgan" Jimmy sang quietly.

"How are ya?" Zacky asked.

"If I said I was good I would be lying, so I'm ehh" I forced a smile.

They all took seats around the bed. Brian was quiet. I felt bad, I wasn't mad at him. He probably thought I was since he obviously heard my cries for help.

We sat and chatted about my injuries and what would happen on my path to recovery, which was going to be long. Hours past and eventually Matt suggested that they should go get brunch in the hospital cafeteria. Matt gave me a kiss before leaving and everyone was gone except for Brian.

"So..." I said slowly.

Brian looked up shyly, "Morgan, I'm really sorry."

"I know you are, it's fine" I smiled.

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