Chapter 48

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"Aubrey wants to see you? What why?" Matt said sounding utterly shocked.

"I don't know, I'm guessing about the Andrew thing" I sighed, sitting down on the bed next to Matt.

"Are you gonna go see her?"

"I don't really have a choice… I said I'd meet her for lunch at 11" I shivered a little, the room was freezing and I was nervous as hell. I didn't want to see Aubrey, she was always so mean and bitter towards me. I couldn't even imagine what she would say. Any apology certainly wouldn't do though, not after what her god awful son put me through.

"I'm coming with you" Matt said with a straight face.

"Thank you" I whispered as I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and stroked my hair. I looked over at the clock noticing that it was already 9 o'clock. It seemed so much earlier.

"We should probably leave soon, I don't know if there's traffic" I said, getting up to go and change.

Matt just nodded and did the same. It was oddly cold outside so I changed into an old pair of ripped skiing jeans, a USA Gymnastics sweatshirt and some doc martins.

"You always look so adorable" Matt cooed, walking over to hug me. I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him back tightly. He swiftly picked me up and carried me down stairs, "Do you want any breakfast?" Matt asked.

"Nah, I'm not that hungry" I bit my lip.



Matt pulled out a chair for me before fixing himself some breakfast, he had cereal and a bagel. I wasn't even really that nervous. Anxious; yes. Scared; Yes. Petrified; Maybe. I didn't have an appetite anymore, I just hoped my awful eating habits weren't coming back.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" Brian stood at the doorway with bed head and in his pajamas as he stretched.

"I have to go meet my aunt" I mumbled through my hand which was covering my mouth.

"Aubrey?" He asked.

"That's the one" I sighed loudly.

Brian didn't say anymore. Matt finished up his breakfast and we left, I drove.

"Everything's going to be okay" Mat smiled, placing his hand on my thigh.

"I know" I sighed, "I just don't want to see her… she's always been mean to me and-"

"Morgan, if she says anything to you, anything at all I'll be right there to fucking tell her" Matt huffed.

I shot him a shy smile.

"You're my favorite" I laughed.

"You're my favorite too Morgan" Matt laughed back, "So I never got to ask you last night, why do you love me?"

"Matt" I raised my eyebrows.

"I have a right to know" He reassured me.

"For one thing, you fucking saved my life" I said truthfully, "And I don't just mean when Andrew stabbed me, I mean if I hadn't met you or if I didn't have you I wouldn't be here"

"Sure you would" Matt's voice cracked slightly, he sounded concerned.

"No, Matt" I replied back, "I would of taken my life the first second I got, I was so miserable and depressed, granted I still am… but you make me happy, happier than I've ever been. You make me feel loved and wanted and it's the best feeling in the entire world. I just, love you, so much Matt" I gushed.

"Morgan" Matt said in an indescribable tone.

"It's true" I awkwardly smiled at him.

"If we weren't in the car right now I'd give you the biggest hug" Matt mused.

"I love you" I laughed.

Within a couple minutes we arrived at my aunts house. I slowly walked up to the front door, Matt's strong arm wrapped rightly around me. He knocked at the door and greeted Aubrey first.

"Matt! Morgan! Please come in" Aubrey greeted us.

We both walked in without saying anything as Aubrey led us into her Kitchen. There were dished in the sink waiting to be washed. The walls were pink and nothing seemed to match. Childhood memories were flooding back into my brain and I realized I had always hated it here. Aubrey showed us to her seats as she sat across from us. There was a pitcher of water with some cheese and crackers on the table. It was awkward and uncomfortable.

"So… I don't really know how to say this but I'm sorry for what Andrew did…" Aubrey stated nervously.

"Thank you…" I replied shyly practically in a whisper, I felt Matt's hand grasp mine, and he squeezed tightly, "But I don't think sorry can make up for what Andrew did…" I continued standing my ground, for once, something that I never did.

"Of course not" She tried saving herself, " If you don't mind explaining what exactly did Andrew do to you?"

The nerve. I looked up at Matt who rolled his eyes, thinking the same thing as me.

I sighed slightly, "He made my life hell"

"Could you explain it in a more objective way?"

I bit my bottom lip and lowered my eyes staring at her, "He made my life hell, he made an entire town hate me, he made my own family turn on me, he made me go into a state of depression, he sent me constant death threats for 2 years straight. They stopped just last week, actually. He showed up in my house at random times, threatening to take it from me. Then finally he kidnapped me, beat me, tied me up and stabbed me"

"Oh" Aubrey stuttered.

I shifted in my seat, Matt's hand continued holding mine. It did make me feel better.

"Well, I don't know if it's too soon but I wanted to talk about your house-"

"Are you out of your mind" I cut her off.

"Well it's just I don't think a girl like you should be taking care of a house that big"

"I'm perfectly fine"

"No, I think you should give your house to someone else in the family-"

"Not a chance" I snapped.

"But Mor-"

"My parents left the house to me." I stated.

"But i'm sure they would want us to help you with it" Aubrey rephrased her original statement.

"Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't, but i'm an adult and I can certainly make my own choices, besides your definition of help is take the house away from me."

"You're so ungrateful, you know that" Aubrey snapped, suddenly. Just like I thought she would.

"What did you just say to her?" Matt growled, leaning forward.
"I said, she's an ungrateful little bitch" Aubrey snarled through her teeth.

"Don't you ever say that her" Matt snapped powerfully.

"Okay fine, but you're parents were always greedy and now I see where you get it from"

Matt started to say something before I stood my ground, "Greedy!? They were the nicest people you could of met. I'm greedy? You're the greedy one wanting my house. Hence the MY. I don't want to give up MY house and you're going to have to deal with that"

"So arrogant, this one" Aubrey smirked towards Matt who shot her back a death glare.

"If anything, this entire family is arrogant. All of you promised at the funeral that you would care for me, but none of you have at all. All any of you want is my parents money and guess what, you're not getting a dime" I snapped, recalling the horrid funeral, they had all promised to care for me and be there for me, none of them were. They broke the promise immediately.
"Now I see why Andrew did what he did." Aubrey hissed.

I felt a tear form in the back of my throat, "I'm done" I said under my breath as I got up while looking down at Matt "don't ever expect me to come back here. EVER." I yelled as I walked out the door, Matt wasn't behind me but I had to get out of there before I took a swing at her.

*** Matt's POV***

"I said, she's an ungrateful little bitch" Aubrey growled through her teeth.

"Don't you ever say that to her" I snarled back.

I couldn't believe she had said that. Morgan was the least ungrateful person I knew, she was so down to earth and nice. This lady was fucking out of her mind.

"Okay fine, but you're parents were always greedy and now I see where you get it from" Aubrey said to Morgan.

I started to say something before Morgan took the stage, "Greedy!? They were the nicest people you could of met. I'm greedy? You're the greedy one wanting my house. Hence the MY. I don't want to give up MY house and you're going to have to deal with that"
"So arrogant, this one" Aubrey smirked towards me, I shot daggers at her. She was such a bitch.

"If anything, this entire family is arrogant. All of you promised at the funeral that you would care for me, but none of you have at all. All any of you want is my parents money and guess what, you're not getting a dime" Morgan said firmly.
"Now I see why Andrew did what he did" Aubrey hissed.

Morgan's face froze, as did my body. What the fuck. She quickly got up and said in a barley audible voice, "I'm done" and as she walked out the door she yelled behind her "and don't ever expect me to come back here EVER" I heard the door slam before I got up.

"Some girlfriend you got there" Aubrey laughed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even know what Morgan's been through. She lost her parents, and you guys just make it worse. Your her FAMILY you should care for her."

"Maybe I would if she let me"

"Maybe she would let you if you were nice to her for once" I stated.


I cut Aubrey off right away, "You know what, just stay the hell away from Morgan, you've done enough damage. If you even come near her, you'll be hearing from me" I said powerfully, towering over Aubrey staring right into her eyes before I quickly walked out of the room and to the car.

Morgan was sitting in the passengers seat. I climbed in, the keys were already int he ignition.
"You don't mind driving" She asked, her voice was shaky.

"Anything for you" I smiled, as I leaned over to give her a quick kiss.

*** Morgan's POV ***

I ran into the car as fast as I could and started it. I had to leave. I wanted to leave a month ago but I just ended up right back where I started. The whole reason I went out to California was to start a new life, but I just ended up back here. Why is my life to messed up, why can't I just have a normal family. Tears started to slowly flow down my face, I wiped them away quickly not wanting to cry for what seemed like the millionth time in front of Matt. I couldn't help it though, I started thinking about my parents and what they would think of this situation. They would be appalled, my mom had always hated Aubrey. They must be rolling over in their graves.

Suddenly I saw the front door swing open with Matt strutting quickly towards the car. He climbed in giving me a sympathetic look.

"You don't mind driving?" I asked, trying to hide the tears.

"Anything for you" He smiled, leaning over to kiss me before driving off.
God I love him.

"So what did you say to her?" I quietly asked.

"Nothing really, just a few words that's all" Matt said as he concentrated on the road. It was now pouring and I could barley see 10 feet in front of the car.

I nodded my head, not wanting to talk.

"She's not worth the tears, Morgan" Matt warned me.

He saw. Damn it.

"I-I know... I just miss them"

Honestly, between all that's happened I hadn't cried over my parents in what seemed like a while. When I cried I would think of them which made me cry even harder, which is I guess what happened today but right now in this moment I was thinking about how much I miss them and how I wish they were here.

"Oh, sweetheart, I know..." Matt sympathized as he reached out his hand and entangled his fingers with mine.

I knew he was at loss for what to say, why did I have to go crying again.

Why. Why. Why.

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