Chapter 43

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on the nightstand next to me.

"Hello?" I answered quietly, not wanting to wake Matt.

"Hi this is-" The voice faded out.

I got up quickly and walked into the bathroom.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice tense.

I took my phone away from my ear, the person had hung up. Who the hell was it? Thinking about that sent shudders down my spine. The only one that I thought it could be was Andrew.

I shrugged it off, and crawled back into bed with Matt.

"Where were you?" He groaned.

"Don't worry about it" I smiled as I touched my nose to his. He scrunched up his nose.

"You're so adorable" he cooed.

I laughed quietly. He kissed my forehead lovingly.


I woke up alone some hours later. I hadn't realized how early it was when I got the mysterious call, considering it was only 10 now.

I got up and changed quickly, took all my medicine and made my way downstairs.

Brian was sitting at the kitchen table.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. I was kind of surprised Matt wasn't even there usually he always waits to say good morning to me.

"They're down at the beach." He replied.

"Oh nice" I said as I grabbed myself an apple and started eating it.

"What are your plans for the day?" Brian asked me.

"Be in pain" I sighed.

I stood there as Brian ate some cereal. I must of looked concerned because he kept looking at my facial expressions before finally asking, "Is everything okay?"

"I guess so" I lied.

I was worried about the phone call. It seemed so pointless, but it was creepy.

"Come on Morgan, you can tell me anything"

"I know" I sighed, debating about what to say.

"So you have to tell me"

I pulled up a chair next to him and began to explain.

"Well this morning, It must of been like 5:30, i got this call. It was a private number but the person answered and it's like when they heard my voice, they hung up…" I gushed, "I don't know i'm probably overreacting"

"Nah, it's kind of creepy." He agreed with my thoughts.

I nodded my head wondering who it could be.

"Guy or girl?" He asked.

"Girl.. I think, her voice was vaguely familiar"

"Was it your aunt or cousin.. or long lost friend… or…" He gave me options.

"Wait!" I exclaimed, "I know who it was, Andrews mom, my aunt Aubrey… at least I think"

Brian nodded.

"She's one of the last people I want to talk to" I huffed.

"She didn't seem that bad-"

"You've never met her" I looked at him.

"Yeah I have, Matt and I went to her house when we were looking for you"

"You did what!?" I raised my eyebrows, "Where else did you go?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Matt didn't tell you?"

"Nope" I said popping the p.

"Well we went to your aunts house and Andrew's apartment. Two places I never want to visit again." He recalled.

"Believe me, I know" I rolled my eyes, "So you guys were looking for me?"

I was a little surprised, I figured Matt found me after I called him. I honestly didn't think he cared that much.

"Yeah, we were worried sick… well Matt and I mostly" Brian corrected himself.

"Oh.. Thanks" I said shyly.

I sat there, thinking about whether or not I would have to face Aubrey anytime in the future. I didn't want to. She was almost as bad as Andrew.

"Well look who's up" Matt said as he walked through the entryway to the kitchen.

He walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders before kissing my head.

Brian gave me an odd look. I think it was regarding the fact that he thought I was mad about Matt not telling me that they went to my aunts house but I really didn't mind.

"How're you feeling?" Matt asked.

"Just peachy" I joked.

Brian left the room and headed towards the back deck.

"You should come down to the beach" Matt suggested.

"Okay, but I can't really do anything." I sighed.

"That's okay, I just like being with you" He winked.

I stood up, before Matt picked me up in his arms and we walked down to the beach.

It was foggy and cold out, the perfect beach day. You could barley see out over the horizon. It made me want to go sailing, something my family and I did often when we had our yacht.

Matt sat down, and placed me in his lap.

"Morgan!" Zacky said happily, "Great to see ya"

"Hey" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. I hadn't taken any pain medication so my head was throbbing.

I sat there quietly as they talked. I caught myself zoning out more often than not as I peered out over the ocean. Until they started talking about their new album, that caught my attention.

"So when are we going back?" Matt asked.

"28th of august" Brian replied.

"They want us in the studio by September 12th" Zacky announced.

That was the day I started college.

"Have you even thought about what we're gonna write?" Brian asked, the question directed towards Matt.

"I have a few songs, I was thinking the album title could be Nightmare and we would just go off of that" He stated.

"It's your fucking nightmare" I mumbled.

All the guys looked at me, "What?" I laughed.

"That's actually good, mind if I steal that?" Matt smiled.

"Go right ahead, I always use to say that to myself… well whenever shit happened, it's pretty self explanatory" I said quietly before going back to my peering out over the ocean.

"Sounds good to me" Zacky shrugged, "What about you, do you have any songs?" He asked Jimmy."I have 1, I don't know how good it is though.." He sighed.

"Well we'll check it out when we're in the studio" Matt sighed.

"I'm excited to write, it's been a while" Brian confessed.

All the guys nodded. Their conversation about music ended and they went to talking about random stuff that didn't really apply to me. I sat on Matt's lap, when it hit me that I just wrote part of an Avenged Sevenfold.

Granted everything lately seemed so surreal. I was dating the one and only M. Shadows afterall.

And to think it all started because I climbed some fence in an alleyway.

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