Chapter 19

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I walked into the guest room at the end of the Hallway upstairs. On the walls were pictures of Morgan and her family when she was little. She was adorable.

As I attempted to fall asleep at the early hour of the morning, my mind was bombarded with thoughts of Morgan. I had truly misjudged her. Of course I had seen her the two times at our concerts, but when she came on our tour bus, at first there was something I didn't like about her.

My feelings have now gone from one extreme to another. After talking to her for almost 4 hours and learning a little more about who she was and about her I came to the realization that Morgan was perfect and I loved her. I can't like her though because she's dating Matt. I tried to persuade myself not to like her by thinking thoughts like:

She loves Morgan, not you.

Morgan and Matt make a cute couple.

You can't love her.

"Synyster Gates doesn't chase girls, girls chase Synyster Gates." I joked to myself.

None of this worked though, because love is love and you can't control who you love... love has a mind of it's own. But I can't let myself like Morgan. I had like a number of girls in the past, none of which I ever felt like this over. I couldn't understand it. Morgan was different, there was something about her that was special, something words can't describe but nonetheless the reason behind my infatuation for her.

A wave of jealousy came over me as I thought of her and Matt sleeping together. Matt's strong arms were probably around her. That should be me, I was the one who saw her first at the concert, in Boston 2 years ago. I remembered that day perfectly, but most importantly, I remembered her perfectly. Then getting to talk to her, after years of thinking about the girl without a name... She was even more perfect than I had imagined. If only I hadn't been such a jerk when she walked on the bus.

That could of been me.

That should be me.

I slowly fell asleep as I recalled our conversation. As I recalled how she talked and how she pauses between sentences to look into your eyes, almost to see if your still paying attention. I thought of how she bit her lower lip when she was thinking, how she walked so delicately.

I don't even know what to do anymore. I'm a mess.

Brian snap out of it. I thought to myself.

*Matts POV*

After all that had happened today, I was relieved to have Morgan in my arms as I fell into a deep sleep. I was glad she was safe, after that jerk Andrew practically beat her up. If he ever goes after her again I'll really give him a piece of my mind.

*Morgans POV*

As I awoke from a restless sleep, I slowly walked downstairs. Oddly enough I was thinking about Brian and our conversation last night, I like him. I wasn't sure if I had feelings for him but I like him. I loved Matt, but when I thought about Brian I got butterflies in my stomach, he was so... I don't know how to describe him, there was just something about him that I really liked.

I poured myself a glass of water as I walked upstairs and went on the balcony off of my parents room.

The silence was nice, asides from the never ending thoughts that drowned my mind.

Andrew, Matt, Brian, My house, Avenged Sevenfold.

Then last one really got me. Avenged Sevenfold was sleeping in my house as I sat there. All of this happened so fast, I couldn't comprehend it, but somehow I accepted it. I loved it.

I turned around as I heard a knock on the door, I was greeted with Brian's smiling face.

"Hey, can I come in?" He asked.

"Sure" I smiled, "How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Okay, I guess..." He looked down, "I loved the pictures of you in that guest room.

I wasn't sure what he was talking about at first, then I remembered our guest room upstairs had almost all of our family pictures on one of the walls.

"Oh, right" I laughed, "Those are something"

He laughed as he sat next to me, and we looked out at the sunrise.

"I like it here" He said.

"Like here, on this balcony or here as in Massachusetts" I joked.

"Here as in Massachusetts" He shook his head with a smirk, "It's a pretty cool state."

"That's one way to describe it"

Brian and I just sat there next to each other in silence, but it was comfortable silence, I liked it. I was comfortable around him, we connected into this special way. I was falling for him and I couldn't stop myself. I didn't know what to do.

"Do the rest of the guys know that i'm dating Matt?" I asked Brian.

"Yeah, I told them" Brian smiled.

"That's good" I sailed calmly.

"Yeah" He replied.

I slowly got up and walked back into my room, not wanting Matt to find us sitting together on the balcony. As I walked in he was just waking up.

"Hey hey hey!" I sang.

"Hey, where have you been?" He asked, he was already dressed.

"Getting water" I laughed.

I walked over and sat next to him on the bed, as he leaned into kiss my lips, entangling his fingers in my hair, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. The way he kissed made me fall in love with him all over again. It was a magical sensation. I thought about Brian and then about Matt as I stared into his hazel eyes. He smiled, revealing his dimples. Matt was the one who I was truly in love with, Not Brian. Matt made me melt inside. He made my heart race. he was the one who had been there through all the Andrew shit. Not Brian, although that wasn't his fault. Matt was the one who had been there to comfort me through it all. He was my shoulder to cry on. Although we had been dating for a short time, I truly loved him. We had a special connection. He was the one who I wanted.

I looked deeply into his eyes and kissed him back, passionately.

"I love you" I smiled.

Matt smiled back and kissed me on my forehead, "I love you more"

"This isn't a competition" I joked.

"I know, I just love you that much" He smiled.

We both sat there in each others arms, before finally deciding to walk down stairs and start our day. It was perfect.

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