Chapter 26

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***Morgans POV***

I spent the majority of the day on the back deck with Matt's arms wrapped around me, to make me feel safe. He didn't let me out of his sight, and anywhere I went he went. To make me feel protected. He must have known how scared I was. I was scared to the point where even the smallest creak or crash made me get knots in my stomach. I was nervous as hell.

"Hey Matt, you should come swimming with us" Jimmy suggested before he continued his descent down the staircase leading to the beach.

Matt looked over at me, I whispered "go"

I felt bad he had spent his whole day with me, I felt like I was hogging him from the others. I felt really bad about it actually. Normally I tried to be strong about things in front of others, but with Matt it was different. I felt so comfortable around him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'll survive" I let out a small laugh.

"Okay" he whispered as he leaned in to kiss my forehead. I forced a smile.

I loved when he did that.

As he and Jimmy walked down the stairs I went inside and headed towards the grand piano in the living room. I hadn't played in what seemed like ages, it was one of my favorite ways to pass time. I sat down on the bench as began to play Warmness on the Soul, I sang along quietly. It was my favorite song to play on the piano, so emotional and beautiful. It was the first song I ever learned to play and sing at the same time.

I had gotten to the second verse when a voice next to me said, "I didn't know you were so good!" I jumped at first, not sure who it was until my brain processed the voice.

It was Matt.

"Way to startle someone." I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"I'm sorry, but seriously your voice.. Is wow." He said in shock.

"It's a hobby" I said shyly, "I'm not that good"

"Damn right, your fucking amazing." He said excitedly.

I just say there with my fingers hovering over the keys.

Matt sat down next to me and began playing.

"We should do a duet" He suggested.

I nodded my head, as we both began to sing. I played the piano. Every now and then he would look up at me and smile. I had always wanted someone to sing this song to, whether it was someone in my mind, or to someone physically, Matt was that person. This song outlined our relationship perfectly. I didn't want the song to end, it was perfect.

"I love you" he whispered, as the song ended and he hugged me from the side, "your voice is beautiful"

"Thanks" I said shyly.

We sat together, in each others arms for a couple minutes before getting up to go down to the beach. Matt carried me down, and since there was no chair for me I sat on his lap.

"Thanks for inviting us out to your beach house" Zacky said to me.

"Awe it's no problem!" I said sweetly.

We sat around and talked. It was nice being able to laugh and have a normal conversation. At dusk began to fall we went back up to the house and sat on the porch. Zacky and Brian brought out their guitars and strummed along to different songs. I just watched, I had always enjoyed watching people play instruments although I did love to play them myself.

"So today, I discovered that Morgan is an amazing singer" Matt announced.

"I don't believe it," Brian denied Matt's statement.

My face turned five shades of red.

"Well, why don't you give us a sample" Jimmy suggested.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "why not."

Brian handed me his guitar and I began playing Dear God. When I started singing, everyone's mouths dropped. It made me laugh. I stopped at the second verse not wanted to bore them with my singing.

"Your voice!" Zacky exclaimed.

"Wow." Johnny whispered.

"You have a flawless voice" Jimmy said diplomatically.

"Why thank you very much" I replied with a smile.

"You should do a duet sometime with Matt" Johnny suggested.

I shrugged my shoulders, not sure how I felt about that or how the fans would feel.

The conversation soon progressed into something else, when I suggested, "we should go for a walk on the beach"

"But it's dark" Brian sighed.

"But that doesn't matter" I retorted.

I got up and started walking down. No one was following me at first and I didn't really care, I needed something to get my mind off of things. I loved walking.

The shore was lit by moonlight just enough so I could see where I was walking. It was peaceful. The waves crashing on shore. As I walked I thought I heard footsteps behind me but when I turned around to check there was no one. I continued walking thinkin the worst. What if it was Andrew. What if Andrew was going to make his move.

What if.

What if.

What if.

I kept walking, shaking with each step trying to forget my depressing thoughts. When all of a sudden out of no were u felt to arms scoop me up and start running with me. I screamed, I was scared to death. Oh shit I thought to myself, what if this is it.

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