Smoking is so badass...literally, it's bad you ass

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Smoking. I have never in my life nor will I ever smoke (same goes for alcohol. Nasty!). I know it's personal so I'm not stopping you if you want to smoke or not (there's always a person who tries to convince but people won't listen or more like choose).

In stories where a badass boy or girl smoking is nothing a problem for me (even those classical where gentlemen use pipes). Sure, a little cringe on my inside but I still don't mind (maybe I'm a sucker for those types hehe). What I really hate is the reality of smokers.

I have a story and go ahead with your opinion but here's mine.

I (and my other family) was at the market store and we were about to drive home. While passing by I saw a disability person smoking outside. Yeah, this person who I think has ALS or something that the body is immobile was smoking outside.

I was a little shock and disgusted that even that type of disability is smoking when already your body isn't ok. To some of you think "It's not that shocking" or "So? Anyone can smoke however they like" which ok those are your words but to me I really hate smokers.

One of my family member (I'm not telling who) also smoke for a long time (but now no more). Outside, inside, even in the car (I was in the back, the window in driver's side was open but still the smoke scent got on me!), we were there and it's awful! (You try to hide or not let us get close but it still followed us!)

And yeah having prevention campaigns is good and all but keep on making new campaigns (the new ones are creepy which is their motive to stop, but it's useless) is wasting money and not helping anyone! Even hiking up prices doesn't stop people from buying it (Really? You adults still spend on cigars instead of saving for something useful?).

Oh and the adults. The adults who blame companies and stuff that led their children "brainwash" or "irresponsible", speak for yourself. I'm not gonna go face to face with you (I'm shy and not of a stand up in real life) but if you go teaching your own kids the right way then why are you still buying a pack and light up the stub? 

"I'm smoking away from my own kids." "I'm smoking at work or public, you missy." Yeah, way to set a good example. You say that but you're still damaging yourself and the cigarette smoke drifts around to the air and linger onto incoming people. Worse, your kids!

All in all, I don't care if your healthy or disable, single or family, man or woman, I hate smoking! And don't compare the fictional characters that smokes because it's not to inspire you!

Again, this is my personal opinion so if you disagree I'm fine with that.

This ends my rant.


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