Encourage who!?

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Today is the anniversary of William Shakespeare (that's what Google told me). One of the well known masterpiece writer that all people know. (I got to read his works. Forgive me sir William!)

Now you're wondering why does the title connect with Shakespeare? I'll tell you.

Last month, I watched The Fosters (no more Brandon x Callie! Why! DX) and there was an episode where for senior project Brandon decided to do a musical Romeo and Juliet. (The musical was amaze balls too me!) Now there was a girl student who was against it and had a petition to postpone it.

What was the reason?

The reason was she didn't support teen suicide and so Romeo and Juliet is like an encouragement for young people (and she talked about how her friend suicide herself over I think a break-up or something).

Like Brandon, I was like "What the heck?".

Like Brandon, I was like "What the heck?"

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Since when did a fictional story slash play is an encouragement for young people? Are you implying that William is trying to push kids to rebel, get married at a very young age, and self suicide? How offensive and wrong you are!

It's not only the show had a person thinking alike the student girl.

There is a user here who didn't like a girl falling in love with her kidnapper stories because it encourages young girls thinking it's real and do the same like the story.

Are you ok? Do you need a reality check? Since when has there girls wanting to be kidnapped in real life? Is there proof that there is? And have you seen real kidnappers? They're ugly, old, with a bald spot!

Let me give you something. Listen very closely...


Fiction: literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.

Exactly as it defines: IMAGINARY. Not encourage or real, it's FAKE. (Excluding the Autobiography or true story events)

And you know, for that user to say like that, she made a new story where the girl when she was seven years old punched someone then in sixth grade beat another girl for cheating her friend to another guy. (There's more but I'm not telling the whole detail about the chapter.)

Yeah, falling for kidnapper is wrongly encouraging but fighting someone isn't encouraging kids to fight? Ok, you're sooo right.

Grown-ups always find the blame at companies who make games, tv shows, etc etc. While some teens blame stories that may turn young minds thinking fiction is related to real life. But they never blamed themselves for not teaching them first before the youngsters see with their own eyes. 

And if someone told them, they go like...

"Oh, I don't have time to watch my kid all the time and I'm well aware the ratings but my kid does it anyway."

"That's your prerogative but it doesn't matter because this isn't a game, it's serious."

You're right, it's how I feel and it's my opinion but truthfully the stories that we've read aren't really encouraging young ones unless you taught them the difference about reality and fiction. And for adults, of course you don't have time because you have work, cooking, and other things which are understandable (and grateful. Kids, better thank them for caring you) but what about like when you have dinner? Or before bedtime? Isn't there like a little free time where you spent alone with your kid? Then teach them at that time!

Am I wrong to say that? Well, my family member (again not telling whether it's my dad or mom or anyone) warned me and teach some stuff. Also, basically it's never a "thing" that's at fault but the person's own brain. Like my sis and I, even without being taught, we have the common sense and decent minds to know that the games we've played, the movies we've watched, books we've read aren't real and just for entertaining our minds!

So I'm going to give an example here and you tell me yes or no.

Did Invisible man or Dr. Jekyll encourage people to drink chemicals?

Did Robin Hood encourage people to steal money from rich and give to the poor? (I know there was a Robin Hood robbers in California (?) but not because of by that story)

Did video games let people to become shooters and shoot everyone? (Half true but it's not all the time because of games. Some just by their mental issues or something else so you can't wholeheartedly blame games.)

Did Katniss (Hunger Games) encourage people to protest and murder their own leader? Or Jodi Foster encourage that guy to kill Reagan?  

And did Romeo and Juliet encourage people to kill themselves for love?

Think about that.

I know I'm being defensive and attacking people how wrong they are but I'm showing you that words aren't really the ones affecting human minds. Like guns, I don't like weapons but people who are responsible and for defense purposes can keep it and I don't care as long it's safe and out of reach from children. But if you have young ones in the house then you know it's a MUST to teach them the danger and no touch before they accidentally end their life or people gonna blame only at the guns that ruin them.

Maybe this is utterly nonsense and I'm just an idiot to write this, but I know it's to teach first before let them interact.

This ends my rant. Tell me if you agree or disagree or you think I'm blabbing stupidity. (Sorry!)


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