Critic vs writers vs me

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Let me start off something so you won't accuse me or call me evil.

I'm not offending writers or make it sound like critics are villains. I'm here to point out the pros and cons of both of them. I don't care if you say that I'm wrong and a bad girl. This is my rant and I will tell what I think.

Writers. The definition of us or a person who writes on a paper or in modern times type words in our computer.

Critics. The definition of a person who points errors and flaws and give a little tip to improve for the person (in this case, author) into a better, riveting, comprehensible story.

I like to be critic. Yes, I haven't re-edited my books yet and I have a hard time sometimes when they talk (like give me an easy words or point out like a normal person. But it's my fault for my stupidity. :P) but there's a problem with them that they should just back off a bit.

As a writer myself, I love to keep reading or writing-though we have made misspells and tense errors-but they also have a attitude which shouldn't be out.

I'm going to say to the writers out there about the good things from getting constructive criticism.

They tell you the truth and your book will make sense.

They point out your grammars, tense, show vs tell, punctuation, and your character.

They aren't mean, they're humans like you and I.

If you do a little change by their judgement then you get a readable book.

Now here's the problem with writers after someone critic them.

They get butthurt about it and put up an attitude when they the ones who asked.

They unfollow the critic person just because their honesty is "terrible". *Eye roll*

Basically complains like a brat.

Ok, so you writers out there shouldn't act like that. What you expect a flawless review on your book? If you wanted that then here's a little tip for you. Come here...closer...closer...LISTEN AND ACCEPT WHAT YOUR CRITICS SAY!

Did you wanted to be a future professional author someday? Well then it's important to consider their criticism and you can change from a nice story to an awesome (maybe best seller) one! You have criticism too if you were judging someone else's work. I know it hurts your pride a little or you never expected it but we have to agree and improve better. I mean you do want to succeed right?

Now for the critics. Oh yeah, I'm ranting to you too.

Did you know that when you "barge in" and critic after you've done reading is a little annoying to some people? (Yeah, you do barge in, and comment after reading. Don't deny it!) I'm not one of them and it's ok to critic me but some writers aren't like me.


Because there are writers who are writing for fun or as a hobby, not to be an author. Also, they didn't ask you to critic them if they didn't come to you so why bother?

"But even fun writers can connect more if they improve their writing" Stop right there.

What you said, sure, it might be true but half of the readers didn't complain or critic to the author so you are somewhat wrong. 

"Well they need to be specific if they don't want to" Really?

For that part I agree on both. Writers, you do need to add what you don't want just like how you warn readers that this story has *Insert theme*. That way, no one can critic you and you'll be at zen. Critics, you should have ask them first because not every time writers have to specific. It's like there's a last cookie but does the person have to say "no" all the time? No, sometimes we ask them first before punch- possibly eat them.

One user wrote a gay novels but her (I think it's a she?) grammar and punctuation was bad (not text like worse but I guess a few minor problems) so about half readers kept enjoy reading it (she had 9.5k followers! Or something like that) while many critic her grammars and misplaced punctuation. She wasn't a I'm-going-to-be-a-professional-author but just a normal writer and she kind of told the critics in a rude swearing way that she's dyslexic and don't read if not like. She even wrote in her bio people! Dyslexic: Trouble reading and writing.

Truthfully her behavior is crossing the line (be polite everyone) and she could've been gentle and write warning but same time people stop criticizing the writers who aren't being a pro author!

It's not better improvement or connect more people if the writer doesn't want to or didn't ask for a critic. Leave the fun writers alone and leave them at peace instead of telling flaws on this and that part. 

And writers who want to become an author or ask the critic stop getting angry and listen to their honest judgement because you need it and accept the fact that some parts does have flaws and needs re-editing.

Like if you wear clothes and because it's your comfort and you're just being you, someone critics your face and outfit "hey, you need to change your style and maybe a little face make-up to be better" are you willing to accept the critic to change clothes with a makeover (or perhaps a little face job) to please society and yourself for improving a bit or are you going to pass them because you're not trying to look better but just being your comfortable self?

So it's like that critics and writers. Don't judge too much what fun writers do because it's what they love and not to please everyone or want to upgrade themselves while some of you who wants improvement and sell books to the world, do accept the little judgments they tell you because if you want to satisfy more readers and become best seller someday then LISTEN AND FOCUS ON YOUR PROBLEM.

Call me whatever you want but I said my honesty you critics and writers. 

This ends my rant and if you want to know about her, well, she couldn't take the complaint and will be leaving but she also said "I posted a shounen-ai!" and that led one user copying her comment and added "unbelievable" (or something that says she's a liar). Which led her finally (I think) leaving Wattpad.

Here's a tip. Writers shouldn't behave in rude swearing way but for the other users don't attack the rude person because you're being a bigger rude idiot than the original one. I get that person made you mad or annoyed by something he/she say to you and other people but don't backfire or attack at him/her, got it you disrespectful person? Because you're being the same jerk like the jerk, if you understand that.


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