Basic things for contest and fair?

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First things first. I'm not bashing at the creator, I'm not siding with the participant, and I'm not making any drama.

This is a question that I want to know if it's alright or not. Yeah, what's done is done but people always have opinions and talk what's right or wrong. Like if law or congress make it what's done is done, you think you all agree? If you said "yes" then why are there some protesters spreading disapproval when there's nothing you can do and you're causing "drama"? Oh, it's different? If you say soooo... *Saying in a sarcastic sing song*

Before I show what happened let me tell the basic about making contest.

Contest are fun for us writers and judges (the creator) but there's a DO and DON'T for both participants and authors in order to not cause resentment. 

For the participants: it's ok to ask some questions if you don't know or if you think you fill the requirements make sure to double check before you demand an explanation.

If you guys didn't follow the rules then you have to accept that you've been denied and move on. Don't say this contest is unfair because some of you have not see it when you got good eyes (or eye).

After results have been revealed, congratulate other people instead of being selfish.

Now let's get to the creator who made the contest.

You have the right to create rules and accept or deny participants who don't follow the requirements.

You can write "I will ignore you if you don't fill the complete form" but that's somewhat bad on some innocent Wattpadders. Why? Because there's some who thought they fill all the form the rules stated but you deny and ignore them with no explaining sounds like your own mind.

Answer some participants question and don't just delete them (I mean, why would you delete them if it's nothing but a question?) if it's not harmful comment.

If you're busy with your personal life and have a book club, books to write, other stuff then please don't make a contest and say to Wattpadders "Sorry if you don't have school, job, life, but I can't answer all". Everybody does have a life like you (what are you, Cinderella? You think Wattpadders are rich and playing around?) and you should have write in the chapter then, like how I did in my Interviewing Characters.

Even though participants (not all) are rude, you as the judge and creator should know better to be well mannered and calm. You're not suppose to be like them and go "Don't talk crap to me. If you don't like then take your shit and leave" or something like that. You're a judge and higher person for the contest so be mature.

I made a few mistakes (sorry) for the form but I re-did it and got accepted (but since I haven't updated my book I ask to back out yesterday).

My problem is-mainly-that someone thought they fill all requirements and you deny without any explaining, why would you do that and the participant doesn't want to be accepted but wanted the reason WHY (and why delete it too if it's not a big deal?). And if you're busy in real life along with doing bookclub here then why make a contest in the first place when you could have started AFTER your personal life is all finish.

One time back in January (?) I checked the Anti-Wattys and the creator left a author's note saying like "The results have to wait because I'm doing school work and life" (Read The Anti-Wattys for the full reading) and then the winners had been announced (I don't know when). 

See? You can't start a competition if you (creator) are busy with your own life! Just that it's your decision that isn't fair to participants or it's not cool to do double work when you should finish yours first then start the event you'd planned.

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