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What is Wattpad? A community site for reading and writing, socializing, and to HELP.

Now what is an ambassador? Users who are like volunteers and guide Wattpadders who need help (or new to Wattpad) before we give them the ticket. There are three roles which are: Content, Engagement, Community.

I'm not gonna tell what we do because if you want to know then apply the form and info is in the External link.

This year the rules changed due to the policy and was decided by the ambassador managers. They had a reason and even if there are underage users who are mature enough for any kind of "stuff", some won't be able to handle it and might scar them (but I'm not too positive if there is such users. Still, rules are rules). What I'm talking about is the age limit for applying as ambassador which before the change was 16 years old but now you need to be exactly 18 years or over.

When I heard it I kind of knew people would be upset about it and I can understand because if I was in their shoes I would either cry or feel a huge disappointment 'cause it's like you spent your years climbing a mountain and when you're almost there...

When I heard it I kind of knew people would be upset about it and I can understand because if I was in their shoes I would either cry or feel a huge disappointment 'cause it's like you spent your years climbing a mountain and when you're almost there

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That's what it feels like when change or update comes.

But at the same time I don't understand and sort of irritated by the complaints. Not trying to be mean to you users 'cause as I said that I understand you but the question I have is do you really need to be an ambassador?

You looking confused: "Huh?"

Why do you want to be an ambassador? Being an ambassador is cool but we're like you guys who just read and write or talk for a chit-chat. There's not any difference other than you get a blue badge and a sash (that's optional).

You want to help? Then help users with your best knowledge.

You found a story or someone that breaks the guidelines? Then report it or tell us (but mostly report)!

Just that the policy changed for being an ambassador doesn't mean you should refrain yourself of helping or alert the stuff. Like if Wattpad was a real life world and someone is lost or has fallen (I can't think of another way so deal with it) then do you need a badge or become official to "help" them? Are you gonna act like "Nope, I'm ignoring since I'm just a person who can't become an ambassador because it's unfair and eighteen is soo long. Bye bye!" 

I'm not mocking and that was just an example. In no way my intentions are bashing any of you and sorry if I did but this is a question I'm asking because being helpful doesn't necessarily mean you need to be an ambassador. And if you want to become one then go ahead 'cause this rant doesn't imply that you shouldn't but my point is even things changed after you've waited so long, be patient.

Don't give up and just wait more. While waiting, go and help users, read something or write your own story or do stuff outside of Wattpad. 

I don't know if I'll write my how-I-became-an-ambassador but I can say is that three tries and this is how I made my goal. Well, the first I did got accepted but had to decline. That's a story in another time.

And this ends my rant.


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