Open the Crimson dam!

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I know this is personal and private but it's not the first time there's a topic for this.

I'm talking about the "Crimson dam", our "Doomsday", the "Time of the month". You guessed it my fellow ladies, PERIODS

No, not the writing period that is this (.) I meant the blood that's in your body because it's part of the hormonal system that produces new cells, helps skin and hair growth, a check for "you're approve to have a baby!", the give and take deal where it promises to keep our body going but we get the annoying and very painful price (unwanted hair included).

) I meant the blood that's in your body because it's part of the hormonal system that produces new cells, helps skin and hair growth, a check for "you're approve to have a baby!", the give and take deal where it promises to keep our body going but...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

That's right scream to the world! Curse at the sky and say "Why the pain man!".

Why today's topic is this is because I got it and thank goodness my status is alright or so-so. Believe me, that's waaaay better than "Devil's pleasure" as I like to call (just now).

Most of Wattpad here consist of Females than Males (I think. I'm not sure but I'm probably right) and so when you type period in the search box here, you'll find rants about periods.

One person (or maybe more) complained that why female characters doesn't have period in stories. Are you kidding me? Just that you want realistic doesn't mean that even fictional girls should get the suffering-but important-blood! You want to remember yourself how much YOU suffered every month that makes your mind think "I'm gonna die!", huh?!

Some stories actually has a female character getting her period and I'm not annoyed at all. Cringe, but I still read it. But if you ask me "Should stories add girls having periods?" then I would answer "Oh, heck no! You better don't or I'll endlessly repeat the pains we've had".

Now aside from that, I'm gonna tell you what I hate the most when having the "Crimson dam" open. Girls understand but for guys who are reading this, sit your butt down and pay attention instead of being ungrateful jerks.

 Girls understand but for guys who are reading this, sit your butt down and pay attention instead of being ungrateful jerks

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Uh, ignore the B-word. Not to offend you boys except I stand by the ungrateful jerks)

1. You've heard us groaning or sometimes we walk slow, grow pale, ringing ear and faint. It's because of the STOMACH CRAMPS.

There's a level of receiving the horrifying pain. The mild level are normal which is very lucky and thankful...until next month (I sometimes get mild, sometimes. *Crying silently*). 

Medium are Roller coaster  which you know when you ride it goes up and down and up and down and again and again. That's the feeling we get, for one minute your sensitive tummy says "I'm fine" but then the next minute "Ooh, I feel a little sick". 

Hard are the "Devil's pleasure" because it's as if Satan summoned a Volcano into our stomach and make eruptions-causing explosive lava blasting everywhere. If you boys don't understand then picture this and imagine a heavy-weight boxer just punched your "mini boy", real hard

Now onto the next!


Every pad or tampon commercials end with girls moving their bodies. No, just please no! I get annoyed by that! When my period began I can't jump, dance, just anything that has to do with movement! I can walk but my body goes slow and doesn't want to move at all!

And what's with the smile! Does it look like I would smile like a cheery person? Do I, do YOU? My face is either a frown or a moody sour lips that you don't want to touch me. I get it's promoting like flexible wings or blah blah blah, but still irritates to see girls go "I'm free!" when it's NOT freedom.


Ugh, every few hours we have to constantly change pads (or tampons) again and again! Thanks a lot my blood! *Sarcasm*

I never use tampons (and never will I. I'm not gonna put a stick up in my "husk"!) but having three females and one male (plus a male dog) in the house sure gets thrown and like the song (by N SYNC) bye bye bye!

I hate wasting it away but being a heavy blood girl I can't help it. It's a good thing Costco carries two bags in one package.


You heard me! In the real life I never have guy friends (I don't have any friends except my sister) but I do have a dad and the guys from here are also same! (I was on a thread in the Cafe club about girls and periods so I know)

When I'm in pain my dad acted normal as if it were nothing and he teased a little. When I'm a little alright he orders me around as if it's no big deal! Well F YOU, scratch that, FORGET YOU! (Cee lo song reference)

Instead of being inconsiderate and careless, have some little concern or don't try to provoke us. At least buy painkillers or chocolate or just don't come into our space at all! If you guys tried like what Buzzfeed did (video in the media) then maybe you understand the hassle of periods.

So next time, don't "Oh you're not sick!" or "Are you on your period?" (my dad didn't say that one. He better not... *Glare*), just be a gentleman and be more considerate...or someone's gonna pounce on you like a lioness hunting her prey.

That's all the list. I said "we" or "us" and maybe some of you don't feel like I do which I partly apologize. Speaking of not like me, you know there's methods or tips for "healing" the pain? Those are just personal. For example, heat packs sometimes work for me but not everybody does, right? Or Midol which is anti-period painkillers work for some of you but not me. I use to take Alieve (My best painkiller of all time) but I don't now because too expensive but the point is that the things and methods we've read aren't working for everyone because it's personal.

This ends my rant and another lesson for you boys is that periods last seven days, every month, and only beginning two or three days is when we're not in the mood. Well, depends on the level we're in. Oh just ask your close girl (friend, relative, lover)!


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