Oh please no politics here

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What is Wattpad? A Canadian site where all the global people can write and chat about things. 

I like humor. Do I read it? Yes. In fact, a long time I use to read Sunday newspaper comics but not anymore (don't ask me why).

Now, I know that there are people writing fanfic or as a satirical humor about politicians (I never read them or check it out) which is...fine (?) But as long the story doesn't cause like a hater wrote this or drama then it's alright with me (since newspapers already had the satirical jokes). There's just only one thing I don't want here, no matter if it's a freedom of speech or free to opinionate at someone.

Debating politics and hate talk on politicians.

This year is of course the debate election of both Republicans and Democrats, and I am here doing Wattpad. 

I was just wandering around the cafe club and oh my goodness. There's a thread about talking politics or either joke on Trump. 

But That's not all!

But That's not all!

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That's right Kristen and Maya. I was looking at an art (?) book but mostly because to see the comments (because from my follower, I just wanted to see and I forgot if it was an art book or something else). I don't know what the author wrote but there were some people commenting like "Don't come to America when Trump's president!" "Obama sucks!" "North Korean commie bastards" and thus the arguments between users began.

Like please, DON'T. There's enough silly haters, fakers, and 12 year olds but don't bring along the politics talk. You can make a fanfic or whatever as a story but if you're talking about real life debate talk, who's you're favorite politician and hate, smack on other countries or your own, quit it! 

This place isn't about that and it maybe true cafe club and random books aren't about writing (sometimes it is but you know what I mean), it still not ok and don't bring it up because that's starting a war or drama like two animals brawling like savages!

This place isn't about that and it maybe true cafe club and random books aren't about writing (sometimes it is but you know what I mean), it still not ok and don't bring it up because that's starting a war or drama like two animals brawling like s...

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(Not the kind of "savages" guys but...ok.)

If you want to start the fanlitic war (fan politics. Get it? No? *Cries at the corner), do that at some news website or if there's a debate forum for contenders (you guys) website then go! Get out!


This ends my rant and to be clear I'm definitely NOT telling who I want or hate one of the politician. GOT IT?


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