My self-rant #1

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This title is about a rant at me, not to anyone or the world.

Yesterday, a user followed Target (yeah, target is here!) and I checked it out because me use to go there before I change to Walmart (not because I hate Target but just personal reasons). Something made me doubt that day so I knew it was too good to be true.

Remember I told you about how people make fake celebrity names and that if it's real then there should be a check mark for verification? (Read the chapter: Official- No, you need a badge)

The time was either 3 or 4 something PM and there was no verification mark. My thought was "SCAM! Got to warn people!" so I commented in their profile and their contest book (I also quickly reported them hehe... *Awkward laugh*). Some people also had doubts like me and was confused too. But little did we know, we were wrong.

Someone told me that Wattpad tweeted about Target which means that the two are working together and that felt like a big punch at me.

Someone told me that Wattpad tweeted about Target which means that the two are working together and that felt like a big punch at me

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But I have my defense and also others who are alike me!

1. I have no social media so I never saw Wattpad tweeting about it.

2. I didn't saw the check mark on their profile pic so I couldn't be wrong about this.

3. If Target is real then why didn't they (Wattpad) at the start stamped the verification mark? I mean other companies who started in this website (e.g: Coco-Cola, GeneralElectric) had a mark before so that Wattpadders know that they're authentic.

I know I was wrong and made a mistake which I'm sorry and blame myself (ya idiot!). Of course not wholly my fault! Partly, if Wattpad had put the verification mark in the first place then no one would be fooled! But again I'm sorry and so wrong *Sighs*.

This ends my self-rant #1 and finally Wattpad put the check mark so Target is real.


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