Tagged by Hobostarr180

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Let me rant first about this "tag" trend.

I'm sick and tired of it. No, not you guys who tagged me because you didn't know how many I've been tagged before (I think it was like four or five times I've been tagged). I'm just a little angry by whoever the original person that created this trend here is making me want to punch a pillow.

Maybe, just maybe, perhaps the person also is the same one who created the unfollow follow trend?!

Nah! Forget the last part.

So as the title stated, I've been tagged by Hobostarr180 and these are the rules.

1. You gotta do it.

2. Tag 10 people. (Sucker, I'm not gonna tag anyone muhahaha!)

3. Don't kill the person who tagged you. (Too late. I got my Mjolnir hammer ready Hobo!)



1. Song you would strip to if you were a stripper? (Like at an actual strip club)

2. Celeb you would kidnap?

3. Worst thing you've done while half asleep?

4. Write a terrible fanfic of you and your worst nightmare in the comments. 50 words max.

5. Name of the last song you listened to.

6. The person who tags the other people can choose a question to make someone else do. (Hobo made me and other taggers make a Haiku poem. I do love Haiku but it's hard.)

My answers.

1. Before I say what song let me give props to the pole dancers (male and female). Have you thought that dancing on that metal pole is easy? Truth is I was thinking like that but it isn't.

I saw one Youtube video (no, not a sexual one! Get out perv!) and one person showed his/her leg that had the skin scraped. I didn't think that dancing around the metal pole could open the flesh and little blood comes out.

*Shiver* That's why I will never let my fragile skin go near that pole. But since this is a question where I am a stripper then the song I pick is...

Talking body by Tove Lo.

2. I would kidnap any celeb I like but it's impossible to lasso up them all, so Tom Hiddleston because I love Loki *Heart eyes*

3. I don't think I have any worst experience...or maybe I've forgotten? (I'm a deep sleeper)

4. Angel didn't realize her first kiss was a big spider. The size and those eight beady eyes were huge as if it dived into a nuclear waste. She screamed like a fangirl thinking the spider was those monster-of-the-year trend. They did second kiss, for Angel's face eaten. 

*Shivers like crazy*

5. Well me and my sis were watching an anime called Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (song in the media. Better watch before copyright takes it away).

6. This rant is my life

Tags asked me and I went ape

Give me banana

(I would say strawberry but I like banana too. To the people who I won't tag but wants to try this, make a face drawing of yourself. Who cares if you look ugly or not, art terrible or pro. Just do it!)


That's it! As I've said I'm not gonna tag anyone so whoever the ten taggers be my guest.

This ends my not-really-a-rant? Now, me and Mjolnir have some "business" to take care of *Drags the hammer*



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