Money isn't important, it's love. Shut up!

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Ever hear someone say "Money isn't important" "Love is what matters" "Money doesn't make happiness"?

Well I'm sick and tired of that! Before you say anything bad about me let me explain.

Money IS important!

That piece of green paper fabric is your key to life because it is important. You say "no" but then how are you gonna afford the essential things you need? Like food, clothes, utility, and other stuff for you and all the humans?

You say love is the most important thing in life than money? Ok, do you feel love then if you became poor and homeless? There are some people who take pity and help the poor (which is awesome!) but not everybody's like that and in this time of year the world is struggling.

Money doesn't make happiness? Yeah, it's not money but how are you gonna entertain or have active equipment and things if you can't buy without money? Trade Yu-Gi-Oh cards or shells? Not gonna work.

I'm not a cold hearted person and I agree being greedy is a sin but don't ever say money isn't important or everything because in this world it is and it's part of surviving our lives.

You know like those dramas or stories when a person bribes money in order to stay away from their "true lover"? In reality, you know you would choose money over your lover (sorry fictional honey! >.<) because it's like would you rather save yourself or sacrifice yourself for your lover.

Again, I'm not heartless or agreeing of greed but I'm trying to point that while love is key for humans (not psycho love, I mean just a harmless love. Don't be a stalker or Yandere-chan from Yandere simulator), so is money and both are VERY important.

This ends my rant and comment if you disagree! ^v^


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