Mature vs "Corn"

43 10 14

I support mature books. I know, there's young teens in this site (and 12 year olds!) but I still support the smutty or adult life books here. Although, as much they (authors) rate mature, kids still read it which is the problem. 

I wish Wattpad somehow separate or find a way to block young kids from reading adult books in order to make adult books stay but young kids safe (so parents wouldn't complain). (I also really want the age policy to change) And not all adult books is about sex but either way they shouldn't read any that's mature whether it's erotic or just thriller, drama, family problems but ends heartfelt, adventure action, etc...

But there are something I disapprove about the explicit ones. Just that I read some smut books I don't approve the ones who post "corn". I saw someone posting a book with a book cover of a big "kernel" bare "corn" star (I guess) showing its open "husk" at the bottom. Inside the book was only gifs and images of uh...."corn" playing and mashing each other. There are other perverts here and posted these contents but it's not right you users!

You can write books here and if it's mature then rate it and put some chapters private if the contents are too detail and not for the underage. You can post a book cover that's sexy but NOT uncensored pics (I don't want to see some "corn" with its "butter" all over it), just a handsome person in a suit or a seductress with a dress. Anyway, make covers that the characters have CLOTHING.

We all know outside of Wattpad the internet world has "corn" and we watch it (don't say "no". You know as well most everyone watches "corn" or touch their own "husk" by themselves, otherwise are you a total "angel" food cake?). It's really bad and somewhat shameful but in my defense it's because of the growing process of our whole "stalk" we couldn't help but get sin a little (like eating more food as gluttony when we shouldn't or it makes us blot and fat *Sigh*). But we're not flawless, there's a slight rotten part of it that makes, us. I'm not saying we're evil or going to hell but it's normal to have a little guilty sin inside of us (I'm not talking about murder or stealing here! I mean like envy that we push our siblings, lazy because our body wants to stay on bed, eating, a little lust over hot guys and drooling abs *Heart eyes*).

Am I being nonsense or confusing? Anyway, the main point is that young kids SHOULD STAY OUT of mature stories and mature books should be here but Wattpad should create a "wall" to block kids. 

No posting any "corn" on this site.

And kids should NEVER watch "corn" but as a teen, they shouldn't either but our growing "stalk" is partly to blame too.

This ends my rant. Great, I made corn disgusting. Sorry corn! >.<


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