They eat dogs?! So what!

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Warning: If you're a animal lover or you don't want to hear this then please don't read this chapter because it's not for you....PETA.

This video I saw several months ago (I can't remember the date, boo~) and it was funny but same time make me annoyed at those hater comments.

I've never been made fun of or treat harshly by public people (probably because I don't go out much) or internet (thank goodness!). If I was attacked on internet or real life about the comments you see in that video, then I would ignore it but mentally inside I want to give a huge (like real hard) slap with my black glove. But again, that's a IF it were to happen to me.

So I'm going to act and rant as if I read these comments.

1. Why do Korean girls look like a bus hit their face? Plastic surgery might make them go from ugly to average at best. How people find them attractive is beyond me.

Hit a bus? Oh hahaha you want to get hit by a bus, dude? It's true Koreans do surgery (some not all) and they look pretty to me not ugly or average (fyi, I'm average but no shame of that) but there's some Koreans who don't do surgery or can't afford and it's their money and own decision. Are you the one who gives money? And you know, even Westerners do some surgery so who are you to criticize us like that! But not only you, these Korean haters are also judging celebrities and accuse of surgery. If the celebrities had a normal face they also judge that! And like marriage talk, Korean men don't like women who had surgery because it means their child will have the mother's original face (these are from the news I read.) This way, that way, no one is satisfied and that's making me angry!

) This way, that way, no one is satisfied and that's making me angry!

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(This a pic of the "before" and "after" surgery

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(This a pic of the "before" and "after" surgery. It's their decision, don't judge and just love who they are.)

2. well Korean guys are gave up on ass. 99.9% Korean chick's are super flat ass...sooo.

Excuse me? First, fix your grammar. How about you show your butt pic and we can compare our butt, plank wood. In Korea, there's a word Apple hip which is Korean women who have a wide hip. I don't have that and yeah some Asian women got a flat butt but (hehe butt but) even not all Westerners got a big booty. We're all alike you jerk.

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