Movie review- AOT live action part 1

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So I rented AOT (Attack on Titan) live action movie at Netflix. Watched it two days ago and I will tell my thoughts on it.

But first a little rant and warning.

People have such high expectation that it kind of annoys me a bit. I mean honestly, do you think movies based on a book, game, or comic would turn amazing? Well, some did like Harry Potter or Hunger Games (haven't watched the last series) or Twilight, Marvel series, Wreck it Ralph (you know those are game characters), Maze Runner (haven't read the book yet). But beside those movies, you have to remember that not all films would turn out how it's gonna be as you imagined and the word "movie magic" isn't really "magic" (maybe they also think of budget spending too, I guess).

It's like the iPhone. One year you're waiting in line, bought the phone, complain but still use it. Next year comes and another new iPhone! You throw the current phone (because it's so "old" now), have high expectation on this year's new one when already you'll know it won't be great but you've forgotten and it all repeats in a circle. 

What does these two connect? 

Never have high hopes because nothing will always turn out perfect or what you expected.

And let's talk about the "whitewash" and "yellowwash". One side when America makes live action but consist of white actors, people go "bring in the asian cast!" but when Japan makes AOT that consist Japanese actors (except Kiko Mizuhara is mix but still part Japanese), people go "yellowwash!". 

Why? Is it because the characters are European (i,e Eren Jeager) so it's wrong? Make up your mind! Which is it you want anyway? Let's be reminded that AOT is from a Japanese comic that's created by a Japanese man (Hajime Isayama). Also, they decided the setting will be Japan instead of Germany (weird but whatever).

As I promise the warning before starting my review. Everything about this chapter is what my opinions are and I simply ask you that if there's a disagreement then that's fine and you can comment your opinion. If you're gonna bash me or attack because my judgement is...however you want to call me then sorry but you need to learn respect. Whether I like or dislike I don't need an approval or change of statement by your comments.

Again, respect or leave if you hate this.

Now begins the pros and cons of AOT part 1!


In the manga Eren and Mikasa aren't a couple but practically non-blood related siblings (or Eren acts like that but Mikasa loves him because when they were little Mikasa and her parents were under attack by these human lowlifes can read the manga on why she's obsessed with Eren) but in the movie they are.

Eren's mother was the victim to be eaten for the titan, not Mikasa (and the poor baby too).

Eren and Mikasa's personality are very different, not to mention there's no way Mikasa would let a titan bite a chunk of her side but I read one news that Hajime pleaded to make changes for the two so it's not totally a "con" if the creator requested it. Hange isn't too enthusiastic and crazy like the anime and while Jean is an arrogant pompous jerk, at least the original he's useful but the live action he's useless.

Eren is an ONLY child and doesn't have a brother. (Or does he? I only read a few chapters of the manga. So many unreadable chapters. Ugh...)

There's no Levi as Shikishima is somewhat a counterpart of him (boo~!) and the rest of the main characters are removed because apparently the location is Japan so the only original characters in the movie are Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, and Hange (I didn't forget anyone, did I?), but it's a bit ridiculous because only Mikasa is (half) Japanese and-I spoiled myself-related to Levi! They're like cousins!

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