I never thought I put THIS in my list...

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Yesterday, I was reading RvD2323 's book My thoughts (Chapter-donald trump) and my comment led to RvD's reply and then a new reply from Hobostarr180 who gave the link to us.

Know what it is? *Wagging my eyebrows*

Trump Temptations: The Billionaire & The Bellboy (link is in the External link)

Trump Temptations: The Billionaire & The Bellboy (link is in the External link)

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(that's you guys reacting or maybe Trump supporters?)

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(that's you guys reacting or maybe Trump supporters?)

I know, I'm shocked at myself! But it was funny to me. Why? I don't know but maybe the words the author wrote sounds hilarious but same time gross.

This book wasn't a first time that shown in front of my screen. The recommendation always suggested to me of this story and every time I just only look at my Newsfeed because I never read politic humor books (even celebrities). The only book I've read (not a Wattpad story) and have in my bookshelf is a Twilight parody called Nightlight by The Harvard Lampoon which I liked it and funny too (just type it if you want to know the summary)!

Comedies are great. Movies, music, books, or stand-up just about anything is great as long it's not too offensive. Speaking of offensive, you might hate me or give a glare but I love Daniel Tosh from Tosh.0 than Jeff Dunham (I don't find him funny at all. Sorry Dunham fans). I know Daniel is racist, sexist, and a bit uncanny pervert (?) but strangely I find him funny. I also loveGabriel Iglesias (AKA Fluffy!) with the sound effects he makes from his own mouth, just hilarious! And SNL is the best too except back to original, I only like the 2000's and so on (the last two GIFs are from SNL. Miss you Kristen, Bill, Will). 

Those are the comedic people I've listed. There are more but I'm not telling in this chapter. As for music, heard of Al Yankovic? Some of his music made me laugh where he parodies the singer's song into his own. There was a Korean duo that one music video was a parody from that movie (I've never watched) with Natalie Portman and some French actor (I forgot the duo and that actor's name! *Running in panic*). Ylvis, the Norwegian duo who sang What does the Fox say? and my other favorite Massachusetts (the guys couldn't even spell it! XD). And if you know Ryan Higa (Youtuber) then just recently he and Wong Fu Production (another Youtuber) made a K-pop music video call Dong Saya Dae (Korean for "I got to poop!"). You should watch it BUT in your own room or alone because it's too funny (well, too me it is). The video is above or go to Ryan's channel.

For movies, I like movie spoofs but I only like the PG-13 ones, not R-rated (except original comedy movie I like both ratings) ones because it's all sex or just tasteless jokes. The PG-13 one I'm talking about are Vampire Suck, The Starving Games, Dance Flick, Young Frankenstein, pretty much that's it...? The others are Sharknado, Zoolander 2, Anchorman, etc etc...

Anyway, back to the main topic. Whenever Wattpad recommended me that book, I'm like...

 Whenever Wattpad recommended me that book, I'm like

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(The are-you-joking-me doubt look)

And simply ignored it...until yesterday (of course).

So after I went there by Hobo posting the link, I read it and literally my inner mind was laughing! (I never laughed out loud so there's a fact about me!) And another feeling is...

So after I went there by Hobo posting the link, I read it and literally my inner mind was laughing! (I never laughed out loud so there's a fact about me!) And another feeling is

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(The oh-my-god-I-liked-it!? Jaw drop)

Maybe like the author said (truth or not), I'm also drunk too (I never drank so it's metaphor)! And after finished reading (the ending will shock you!), I put it in my reading list.

I. Put. Donald Trump's. Book. In. My. Reading. List.

....... *Endless pause*

Uh, sooo, anyway....I want to thank Hobostarr180 for sharing that. Let's say I was "Tempted" by that soggy Cheetos, stack of Pancakes, old dried Gingerbread House man. *Laughing silently to myself*

And RvD2323 for posting your personal chapter. And to also add, thank you spoon for having that delicious "hair" and let her take a pic to share here in Wattpad!

Finally, thank you elijahdanielistrash for making this book and might I ask how did you come up with this book while drunk? (Or not)

Go read it you guys if you're interested. Sure they aren't professional writing and perhaps as he (author) quoted "garbage" to some of you but hey, I like it! And as for, uh, Trump supporters, if you feel offended by me liking or that book then just ignore it and go "blind eye" instead of posting something. (Really, DON'T. It's not cool to post something just that you hate it. Do just as I like to say DON'T LIKE THEN DON'T READ)

This ends my er, not so much of a rant. I give it end of Book Recommend!


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