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Brianna POV😯

I walked slowly to the porch and opened the curtains and didn't see anybody. I sighed in relief I turned around and saw Jay on the couch. I jumped screaming a little.

" J-Jay w-what are you doing here?" I said touching my stomach.

" Well I heard you moved to London's so I came to see you!" He said getting up. I moved back a little buy I couldn't go no where.

" I-I thought you were in jail!" I said trying not to panic.

"Let's just say a nigga got the best lawyers" He said coming walking to me.

" Jay please leave" I said holding my stomach

"I heard that you pregnant by my child not that's not good BRI" He said mad.

"What the fuck you that's not good hell I wish the baby wasn't yours!" I said getting mad. He was about to slap me until u stopped his hand.

" The Fuck?" He said looking confused. Than he kick my leg.

" Aww shiddd!" I said holding my leg. Than he pulled out a gun right in front of my face.

"Now like I said that's not good BRI imma have to end you and that baby life" He said getting ready to shot. I started to cry and sighed.

" On the count of three one......two..."

I begin to start sobbing and than he said🔫🔪🔫.

"Three...  POW!" I jumped and looked down and I didn't see no blood or anything. I looked at Jay and looked down and he was bleeding than he fell. When he said I saw Dope right there with a gun in his hand. I sighed in relief and cried. He walked over to me and hugged me tight. I cried is his arms as he patted my back and kissed my forehead.

" I'm happy I came in!" He said smiling, I smiled and kissed him.

" I told you I won't let no body hurt you believe that Brianna!" He said still hugging me.

" I know I belived you when you said it!"

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