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Marco stared over at a table of girls which made Odelia very curious.

"What are you looking at?" She asked making Marco blush.


"Shut up Marco."

Marco then explained to Odelia his situation with a girl in the year below them called Saoirse who he was basically in a relationship with all last year but he fucked it up at a party when he slept with two other girls.

"You fucked up bad!" Odelia shouted and he nodded embarrassed.

"I know I did." He whispered.

"I'm going over to talk to her." Odelia said before running to thier table before Marco could stop her.

"Hi Saoirse, my friend Marco would really love to talk to you again and I know he fucked up really bad, but he's sitting over there like a lost kitten so please just talk to him again.

"Odelia! Stop!" He shouted running over.

"Sure." Saoirse said surprising almost everyone around the. Especially Marco.

"Really?" He asked and he nodded. Marco smiled at Odelia who winked at him before going back to their table.

"You may as well call me cupid!" She exclaimed as she sat down opposite Marc.

"Okay." He laughed before picking up his phone and held it at the same level as her face. "Smile!" He shouted making her jump

"No!" She shouted releasing marc was taking a video of her.

"Oops it's already on my story." He smirked making her glare.

The bell rang before Odelia could do anything so she picked up her bag and walked with Marc to French.

Odelia watched as Mrs Tresle walked in before smiling wide.

"So class I have an announcement to make." Mrs Tresle said as she stood up in front of the class.

Odelia leaned on her hand while Marc leaned on her shoulder.

"I have decided to organise a trip to Paris." She announced making Odelia jump from her position with her eyes wide.

She was going back to France.

Mrs Tresle smiled when she saw Odelia's reaction.

Odelia was the only French person in the class so no one else understood how she was feeling.

She was going home.

Odelia felt a tears escape her eyes as she became emotional.

"Are you okay?" Marc asked groggily as he wiped away the tears from her face.

"I'm going home Marc. We're going to Paris." She cried making Marc smile.

"Are you going to be my personal tour guide?" He asked and she nodded before listing off all the places that she's take Marc.

Marc smiled as he looked at his best friend look the happiest she's ever been here. It just showed how much she missed her home. Marc started to wonder if she actually would prefer to go back to France and leave them all behind.

Marc didn't want her to leave. He enjoyed her company and he enjoyed that he was able to be friends with her platonically; not having to worry about what everyone else thought about their relationship because everyone knew they were only friends.

He loved that he didn't have to deal with the drama that surrounded him when he was friends with a girl.

"We go next Friday and come back on Sunday so you won't miss any school." Mrs Tresle said with a smile making everyone groan except Odelia.

Hentford High School (Torres/Bartra/Dybala)Where stories live. Discover now