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After Hentford, Odelia and Marc travelled the world. They lived in Paris for a bit, then Barcelona before going across all five continents.

The two connected over their bad relationships with their parents before they eventually settled down in New York.

Marc worked as a famous sports journalist while Odelia was one of the most famous up-and-coming artists.

The two had three children together; Alberto, Xavier and Penelope.

The three of their children all went to Hentford too when the time came for it. They heard stories about 'that couple that convinced everyone that soulmates were a real thing', they didn't realise it was their parents everyone was talking about, but the three thought it did resemble their parents relationship.

Odelia was now thankful for being sent to Hentford.

For being taken away from that unhappy environment in Paris.

Because without Hentford, she wouldn't have met Marc.  

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