Twenty Eight

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For the next few days, Odelia and Marc were a little awkward around each other. After that night, the spent the rest of the day kissing and cuddling. They both wanted to be together but didn't know how.

They loved each other with all of their hearts, but didn't want to lose each other if anything went wrong.

That night when Odelia finally got back to her dorm room, Melany was waiting for her. She sat crossed legged on her bed while sitting on her phone.

"So where have you been?" Melany asked.

"Oh nowhere." Odelia answered. Taking off her jacket before climbing into bed. She didn't want to talk to Melany about last night. She didn't even know what to do with what happened last night.

"Were you with Marc?" Melany asked.

"Yeah." Odelia replied, turning away to face the wall. She was blushing deeply at the conversation and desperately wanting the conversation to stop.

"The party was fun the other night. Wasn't it?" Melany asked.

"Yeah, can't really remember the most of it. As usual. You know me. Always getting too drunk." Odelia laughed trying to pull off her lie but she knew she sounded too awkward.

"Well I remember it all. I clearly remember your drunk self walked up to Marc and then you two full on making out in front of everyone; before going upstairs, not to be seen until now!" melany exclaimed making Odelia groan and turn to face her.

"You saw."

"Everyone fucking saw!"

"Okay." Odelia bit her lip. She sat up in her bed and looked at Melany.

"So did you have sex?" Melany asked and Odelia nodded. Odelia blushed at the thought of it again. It filled her with so much happiness she thought she was going to explode.

"Yeah we did." Odelia smiled.

"Was he good?"

"I've never felt happier."

"I always knew you two would get together." Melany admitted making her friend laugh.


"Yeah. I mean I've never seen Marc like that before. The moment you arrived there was something different about him. Like he was friends with us and cared for her, but there was always a protective feel with you. Like he would hurt anyone who hurt you. It was really noticeable after you came back from Paris with the school. You could so tell her was in love with you, but you were between Paulo and Fernando." Melany explained.

Odelia was confused.

How did she not notice or realise this.


"Yeah, I think I was the only one who noticed it but, probably because he was always over."

"I feel so silly."

"You're not. At least you're together now."

"Well technically we're not." Odelia bit her lip but Melany shook her head.

"Marc is not going to let go of you now. He loves you and he won't want that to go away. He lost you for a bit once...and he won't do it again."


It was Marc's birthday and Odelia basically ran that morning to his room with her present. When she burst through his bedroom door, she jumped ontop of him and smothered him in kisses.

"Good morning mon amour." Odelia whispered in French. She knew that Marc loved it when she spoke her her mother tongue.

"Well this is a great way to be woken up." Marc smiled down at her. He kissed her sweetly before looking over at Paulo's bed.

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