Twenty One

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Odelia was sick.

She woke up the day after the party and was sick all over herself, Marc and her room. Her head was pounding, she broke out in a cold sweat and she was emptying her stomach even though there was absolutely nothing in her stomach.

The full of Sunday she spent it in her bed while she kept throwing up in the bin at the side of her bed. Melany did her best to take care of her, but Melany couldn't deal with being in the same room as sick.

Due to his, Marc volunteered to take care of his best friend. Marc sat all day and watched films with Odelia and held her hair back whenever she was sick. He got her food- even though she was barely able to keep it in her stomach.

The next day Odelia forced herself to get ready for school. She looked like hell personified. Her hair was completely messed up and in the biggest bun in the world. Her eyes were red as well as her nose. Her voice was almost gone and her stomach was turning constantly.

Odelia sat next to Marc and had a trashcan next to her incase she was sick.

She was.

Five minutes into the class, Odelia emptied the contents of her stomach into the can which made some of the class let out a scream.

"Mr Bartra, please take Miss Hawk back to her room." The teacher requested so Marc nodded and helped Odelia out of the class. She leaned against him as they walked out the class. Odelia realised she shouldn't have drank as much as she did at the party.

"I need some water." Odelia whispered so Marc nodded and walked her into the cafeteria. Marc bought her a water before going back to the table where Odelia was sitting.

Marc smiled at his best friend who was resting her head in her hands with her eyes shut. He wasn't going to deny that she really did look terrible, but somehow she pulled it off. She still looked pretty somehow.

"Here you go." Marc said, while handing her some water.

"Thank you." She croaked out which made Marc let out a small laugh at her voice because she sounded so terrible.

"You sound great." Marc said sarcastically making Odelia glared at him.

"Shut up." She glared. The cafeteria doors then opened and Lillian walked through with her friend. She smiled wide at Marc then glared at Odelia. Odelia just rolled her eyes. BUt that didn't stop Lillian from letting out snide comments about her.

"She's such an attention seeker." Lillian said with a roll of her eyes. But that's all it took for Odelia to go crazy.

"What actually makes you hate me so much? I have done nothing wrong. Marc is my best friend and I can't help that." Odelia shouted with her sore throat. Odelia was getting angr and Marc could tell she was going to blow.

"I don't like you because you cling to every boy under the sun. Poor Marc, Paulo and Fernando. You lead then on so much it's unbelievable." Lillian once again rolled her eyes which made Odelia see red.

"I cling to boys! You hover around Marc like a bad rash. I also don't see Mac like that. He's my best friend and nothing more. Paulo and I aren't even in a relationship anymore so you're completely wrong." Odelia shouted, getting closer to Lillian. Marc slowly inched forward because he could see that Lillian was pushing Odelia's buttons.

"You're such a slut Odelia. Everyone would appreciate it if you just left." Lillian shouted which grabbed the attention of everyone in cafeteria. Odelia didn't think about her actions when she grabbed her drink of water and threw it over Lillian. She screamed as the water soaked her. Marc's eyes widened and immediately he hauled his best friend away from the drama before anything else happened.

Hentford High School (Torres/Bartra/Dybala)Where stories live. Discover now