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Marc screamed as he walked out of school with his arm over Odelia and Nova's shoulders. He swung about making them scream before he ran faster.

"Watch my hair!" She exclaimed. Nova had just had her hair straightened and she wanted to keep it that way for the party tonight so she had it wrapped around her head.

"Babe, your hair looks amazing when it's straight or curly. I love it either way." Rafinha smiled and kissed her cheek making her blush deeply.

Odelia teased her when Rafinha walked away when Nova acted like she was in a romance novel as she kept staring at Rafinha.

When they got back to their rooms they all went into Melany and Odelia's room. Lena curled Odelia's hair for her while she did two French braids in her hair.

"Squad goals." Nova said before taking a picture of them all.

Nova was dressed in a mid length grey dress with black heels. It hugged her body perfectly and complimented her skin tone nicely.

Lena had on a denim button up skirt with a low back bodysuit on with black heels. Odelia wished she could wear it as effortlessly as Lena; but Lena could pull anything off. A plastic bag looked good on her.

Melany had on a dress similar to Nova but her was royal blue. She had paired it with some nude heels and lots of jewellery. Melany; even though she was the smallest out of them, she knew how to bring the the attention to her.

Odelia was dressed in a crop top and high waisted shorts. She was borrow Melany's thigh high boots but she found them so uncomfortable so she just wore some black heels.

"Paulo will be all over you." Nova said making Odelia smile.

"Well Rafinha is going to be all over you like a wildfire."

"True." She smirked before taking a drink of the wine that they go Gerard to buy them.

The girls then took a few more photos before running(as quickly as they could in heels) to Marc and Rafinha's room.

All the boys were sitting in the room taking some shots.

Odelia sat next to Paulo and gave him a quick kiss before she downed a shot Marc poured for her.

Paulo was now feeling better after two days off school. He was still sick but was more sick of staying in bed all day and doing nothing.

"I'll phone the taxi's." Marco said before leaving the room.

"Who is all going tonight?" Odelia asked. This was a party held by someone in the year above them who's family owned a house in the outskirts of town.

"Well most of our year and all of the year above then people from the school in town." Manuel answered with Lena sitting on his lap.

Odelia then went to think about how Fernando would be here and how he asked her to go with him. She felt guilty for not telling Paulo because she knew that if he found out of someone else he wouldn't be happy.

"Can you come a walk with me? I need to talk." Odelia whispered in Paulo's ear so he nodded and they both walked out the room. One the way out she looked over at melany who clearly knew what she was going to tell him so Melany gave Odelia a small smile.

Paulo leaned against the wall and brought Odelia closer to him by the hips with a smile before kissing her quickly.

"What do you need to tell me?" He asked, tucking one of her curls behind her ear.

"Well I just wanted to tell you that Fernando asked me to go to this party with him but I said no." Odelia said and Paulo gave her a small smile.

"Well I'm happy you said you were going with me."

Hentford High School (Torres/Bartra/Dybala)Where stories live. Discover now