Twenty Five

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Odelia slept in Fernando's room last night while Pierre stayed at hers. Odelia looked up at Fernando who was still sleeping. He was snoring lightly and moving his eyebrows. Odelia stifled a laugh. She couldn't believe that she could call this beautiful human being her boyfriend.

"Stop staring at me you creep." Fernando whispered with his eyes still shut making Odelia laugh.

"Well you're beautiful, how can I not stare?" She asked with a grin which made Fernando smile too.

"I'm supposed to say that to you." He laughed making Odelia's heart melt.

No even Oscar made her feel this way and she thought she was in love with him.

"But I can say it to you too." Odelia said, cuddling in closer to Fernando. He moved his arms closer around her naked body and kissed her forehead.

"I love you." He whispered against her skin.

"I love you too." Just as Odelia finished saying those three special words a knock came to the door.

"You both better be dressed in two minutes cause Fernando and I have footie training in like ten minutes so hurry.

Odelia laughed and quickly pulled on a pair of Fernando's old shorts and a t-shirt of his. She leaned down and kissed his lips before running out of the room.


It had now been three months since Marc and Odelia spoke to each other.

Three months.

There were times when Odelia would cry herself to sleep because all she wanted to do was talk to him again, to give him a hug and tell him she missed him.

Marc did the same. He would look at pictures of him and Odelia and let out a few tears. Paulo would try to comfort him but Marc just wanted to be alone. And be friends with Odelia again.

Fernando would get annoyed with her when she would cry every so often around him about Marc. He would get jealous, but it was only because he didn't understand. He didn't understand how close their friendship was. How they could trust each other with everything.

Odelia sat and stared at the art piece of Marc she had almost finished. Just looking at it made her want to cry.

"Odelia just stop looking at it." Melany said bringing Odelia into a hug as she shed a tear.

"I miss him Mel." She whispered.

"Well talk to him O. He misses you so much too."

"No." Odelia said sternly. Even though she missed him to the moon and back; she was stubborn. Extremely stubborn.

Marc had tried to apologise to her so many time, but no matter what she couldn't look at him. All she could see was the annoyed and disappointed face he had when he they had the big argument. Yet at the same time she also saw the look of regret after he spilled everything. The look of him knowing he fucked up absolutely broke her heart. But even with all of that, he still hurt her and she was not going to give in that easily.

"You're a stubborn bitch you know that." Melany stated making Odelia roll her eyes.

"But you love me anyway." She gave a teary smile before picking up a paintbrush and trying to continue.

She sat for a bit, just painting over the same spot for a while. Staring into the paintings eyes.

"Oh Odelia, it's beautiful!" Her teacher's voice came from behind her, giving her a fright.


"Oh there's just so many emotions in it. The big one is love. With all the passionate reds and the feelings of desire." The teacher's comments made Odelia blush deeply. "However, there's a lot of purple and violet, symbolising loss and sadness. This is great. You've got so much symbolism in this Odelia. You've got a talent." She smiled.

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