Twenty Six

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Odelia woke the next morning in shock. She couldn't believe what happened last night. Fernando just left her there. On her birthday.

"I'm so rough." Odelia jumped as Melany's groggy voice spoke. She sounded as bad a she looked which made Odelia laugh.

"You look it." Odelia said with a laugh. But she couldn't help but let out a few tears. Her boyfriend, the guy that she loved, left her on her birthday for an extremely stupid reason. Odelia played with the bracelet before letting out a sob.

"Oh what's wrong?" Melany asked, stumbling over to Odelia's bed before bringing the French girl into a big hug.

"Fernando left me last night." Odelia cried into her shoulder as Melany rubbed her back.

"Why?" Melany was confused. Odelia seemed perfectly fine last night, even after Fernando left, she was still the life of the party.

"Because Marc gave me this bracelet and he wasn't happy about it. Just because it's got a love heart on it and that fact that me and Marc are friends now is something he doesn't like." Odelia explained wiping a few of her tears.

"Oh babe don't worry about it. You should meet him so you can talk about it." Melany said, rubbing her back in circular motion to try to soothe her.

"Okay. I'll go round to his room." Odelia picked up an old PSG hoodie she had lying about. It covered all the way to her shorts. On her feet she slipped on a pair of flip flops and headed over to the Boys Dorm where Fernando stayed.

It was still quite early at the weekend morning so barely anyone was awake. Odelia knocked on the door slightly and awaited an answer.

"Odelia, I'll get Nando." Pierre said, opening the door. He nodded before going back in. Fernando appears a few seconds later with a straight face that Odelia couldn't read. He was looking at her with absolutely no emotion.

"Can we talk?" Odelia asked and Fernando shook his head straight away. Odelia gave him a shocked look.


"Why not?"

"Because I have practice."

"So you leave me on my birthday? Don't want to talk to me? Next thing I know you'll be cheating on me. Fuck you Fernando." Odelia said getting ready to walk away, but something stopped her. "Can I meet with you later? We need to talk about our relationship."

"Sure. We can meet at the piazza after school." Fernando said simply before closing the door in her face.

Odelia didn't cry.

She couldn't.

She didn't know what to feel.

Odelia walked away with the blankest look on her face. Odelia took her time going back to her room. She walked around the campus aimlessly. Kicking stones, even though it did hurt her feet through the flip flops she was wearing.

Eventually she made her way back to her dorm room.

When she looked at Melany, she again saw a face she couldn't read.

"What's wrong?" Odelia asked, sitting on her bed and kicking her flip flops off.

"Now this is just a rumor so please don't get angry at me." Melany started making Odelia feel like she was going to cry.

Today just wasn't her day.

"What is it?" She asked, pulling at her hair. She so wished that this would be somewhat good news even if it didn't sound like it was going to be.

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