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Odelia woke on Monday and debated whether or not to go to school. She didn't want to see Paulo and she didn't want to see everyone at school. They all knew what happened with them and there was no doubt that it would be the talk of the school.

Melany had already left early because she had a physics project to finish. Odelia knew this was her opportunity to say that she forgot to set her alarm so she didn't have to go to school.

But unfortunately at eight o'clock on the dot, Marc bounced into her room.

"C'mon get up!" He shouted jumping onto her bed making her groan.

"Stop." She whispered.

"Odelia you need to go to school." Marc said pulling the cover off her.

"No because he'll be there." Odelia said sniffing because she had been crying all weekend. Odelia's eyes were red and puffy, her nose had a red beacon at the top and her lips were bloated and pink.

She felt disgusting.

"Odelia Hawk. Do not let a boy affect your education." His voice was stern but had a humor around it. Odelia smiled and wiped her eyes.

"Okay. I need to go in for shower." Odelia said getting up from her bed. Marc waited at Odelia and Melany's shared vanity table where he played about with their makeup brushes.

"Having fun there?" Odelia asked, walking out the toilet.

"Yep." Marc said with a smile. They then walked down the hall.

Odelia felt people looking at it. It was like had gone back months to when she first came to Hentford. She knew that everyone in the school knew what happened and it made her feel really exposed; like she was always walking around naked.

"Stop freaking out." Marc whispered in her ear. Odelia nodded and tried to ignore the whispers from the students around her.

But one whisper caught the attention of both Marc and Odelia.

"Look at her, they broke up on Friday and she's already getting with Marc." The girl said with a roll of her eyes.

"Hey, why don't you just mind your own fucking business." Marc said sounding quite angry. He was intense as he stared down at the girl.

Odelia had never seen Marc react to angrily. He just ignored her as best as she could so she grabbed Marc' arm and pulled him away.

"It's fine Marc, just ignore her." Odelia said rubbing her hand up and down his arm as she looked into his eyes.

Marc nodded and walked with Odelia. The only reason he reacted that way was because he liked how everyone was okay with his and Odelia's platonic relationship and he wanted it to stay that way; even after what happened in Paris.

They eventually got to the cafeteria and Odelia knew everyone was staring at her. But she ignored them as best as she could.

She then made eye contact with Paulo. He was laughing with Marco and Manu, but the moment he seen her, he stopped.

Odelia felt herself slow down as they neared the table. Her eyes started to water. Marc was pushing her a little so that was one of the reasons she was actually moving.

"C'mon Odelia." Marc whispered in her ear. Odelia sat at the opposite end of the table from Paulo. Nova gave her a small smile before giving her some toast so she had something to eat.

Odelia got through the first few class as easy as she could. In history she sat in silence. Paulo did too. Nova and Rafinha tired to soften the tension by talking to them but the awkwardness was still there.

Hentford High School (Torres/Bartra/Dybala)Where stories live. Discover now