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"You know what I think?" Nova asked with a big smile on her face. She flicked her cornrowed hair over her shoulder with a massive smile on her beautiful face. Odelia couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She was a literal angel with brightness shining out of her. She always had a big smile on her face.

"What were you thinking?" Odelia asked with a smile.

"Me, you, Lena, Manu, Rafa and Paulo should all go on a triple date for fun." She smiled wide making the rest of us laugh.

"Sure. Paulo and I were going to go to the cinema tonight so you can going us?" Odelia smiled as Paulo wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Great!" Nova smiled just as the end of break bell rang.

Paulo had a free period but walked Odelia to English.

"So are you excited for tonight?" Odelia asked holding onto Paulo's hand.

"Well sure, but I was hoping that I was going to be alone with you tonight, just you and me." Paulo whispered making Odelia look up at him with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." Odelia apologised. She didn't realise that Paulo wanted this date to be just for them.

"No it's fine O. I'll just block them out and focus on you." He smiled and kissed the side of her head. Odelia smiled and gave him a little wave before walking into her class.

Melany wasn't at school. She had caught the flu really badly so was staying in bed all day.

It had been a week since Odelia's father's birthday and since Oscar went back to Franco too. Odelia didn't miss them as much a she did last week. She had calmed her thoughts, but she did want to phone her mother at least.

"Did you hear about Fernando and Madlynn?" Lena asked as both her and Nova turned around to face Odelia.

"No. What happened?" Odelia asked.

"Well I heard that they slept together and then Madlynn went and slept with someone else the next day so Fernando did the same. Only with her best friend." Lena explained.

"Holy shit." Nova gasped.

"I know. Manuel told me and I almost spit out my drink." Lena laughed. The girls continue talking much to the teachers dislike.

"Sir can I go to the toilet please?" Odelia asked making the teacher nod. She got up from her seat and walked out the class.

As she walked out, she fixed her uniform before hearing a voice call her name. Odelia turned to see Fernando.

He's cut his long hair into a short and slick. Yet he pulled it off so easily.

"How are you?" He asked walking next to her.

"I'm good. How are you?" Odelia felt slightly awkward due to her finding out about Fernando's out of school activities.

"Good. Are you okay? You seem kind of off." Fernando said making Odelia smile and look up at him. "Did you hear?" He asked with a slight red blush on his face.

"Yeah. It's fine. I don't judge you." Odelia said making Fernando smile.

"Thanks. I think everyone else is." Fernando said.

"They're not. To be honest Madlynn was a bitch for sleeping with another guy the next day. You just reacted."

"Well I did the same thing to her technically."

"But she did it first." Odelia pointed out.

"True." Fernando said with a small laugh.

He looked down at Odelia and admired her beauty. She was so effortless. She had little or no makeup on and she did look slightly tired but she had a beauty about it. Odelia was also extremely different from Madlynn. Madlynn was a blonde with and was very extroverted and outgoing while Odelia was normal. She would talk to anyone that spoke to her but keep to herself at the same time.

Hentford High School (Torres/Bartra/Dybala)Where stories live. Discover now