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"It's so amazing seeing you again!" Oscar exclaimed as him and Odelia sat in a small French cafe in Valencia. Oscar though Odelia was glowing. She had a slight tan and her cheeks had a natural pink flush to them. She was absolutely beautiful.

"It's good to see you again Oscar. I was really missing France today and I needed something to pick me up. And I guess you did that." She smiled. They were speaking in French and Odelia felt like she was normal again. Speaking in her mother tongue made her feel so comfortable. She missed this.

Oscar paid for the full bill even though Odelia did protest. They walked down the streets of Valencia. They were walking closely together; their hands were brushing against each other but they never did anything more.

They got back to Oscar's rental car for the weekend. Oscar leaned against the car so Odelia did the same with a big smile on her face.

"I had so much fun tonight." Odelia whispered as Oscar moved so he was standing in front of Odelia with his arms at either side of her body.

"I did too Odelia." He whispered with a big smile on his face as he looked down at Odelia.

Oscar moved forward and went to kiss Odelia.

But she moved away which made Oscar very surprised.

Odelia couldn't kiss Oscar. She really liked Paulo and she didn't want to do that to him. SHe also didn't want to lead Oscar on anymore.

"What's wrong?" He asked making Odelia bite her lip.

"I can't do this Oscar because I really like Paulo. I couldn't do that to him." Odelia explained making Oscar nod and look away from her.

"Okay, I'll take you back home." He said so she nodded and go into the car. They sat in silence making Odelia bite her lip and look out of the window.

When they arrived at the school so Odelia turned to face Oscar with a small smile.

"I had a great time tonight, thank you." I say and give him a hug.

"I'm going to miss you so much." He whispered.

"I'm going to miss you too Oscar. I'll see you soon hopefully." Odelia said before getting out of his car as they said our goodbyes. Odelia waved and watched his car drive away.

She walked back up to her room. Voices were coming from it so she realised that people were inside.

"Hi guys." She smiled. Everyone was in their room watching a film.

"Odelia!" Marco shouted from her bed making her laugh as she sat down her bag.

Odelia looked at Paulo who was avoiding her gaze.

"Paulo can I talk to you outside?" Odelia asked making him look up at her.

"Sure." He said with a sigh before getting up from the floor and following Odelia outside of the room.

"Are we okay?" Odelia asked crossing her arms over her chest while Paulo leans against the wall.

"Sure." He answered.

"So you're not angry anymore?" She asked.

"Sure." He answered the same again.

"Are you being serious right now?" Odelia asked getting slightly annoyed.

"Sure." Paulo answered for a third time making Odelia glare at him.

"Talk to me Paulo!" She exclaimed. "I don't want to fight with you please." She begged.

"What am I supposed to say Odelia?" He exclaimed. "You went out on a date with your ex-boyfriend! How am I supposed to react?" He asked.

"Paulo it wasn't a date. I was meeting up with an old friend who I missed. I'm allowed to miss my family Paulo. Today is my dad's birthday and I can't celebrate with him. I'm upset. I care about you Paulo."

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