Twenty Four

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"Happy birthday!" They all screamed running into Nova and Lena's room. Today was Nova's birthday and the group of friends had all met up early in the morning and put up banners around her room and at the table they sat at lunch.

But Marc and Odelia didn't look at each other.

It was quite sad really.

The French girl would avoid trying to look at the boy she once called her best friend.

She was hurt at what he said but she was more hurt about how he was acting.

He was fine. He was laughing. He was smiling.

While all she wanted to do was cry a river.

"Are you okay?" Melany asked, whispering in Odelia's ear. She was trying not to bring attention to the fact that er best friend had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine." Odelia said, biting her lip slightly trying to take her mind off Marc.

"Come on. It's Nova's birthday and we're going to have a great time tonight when we go to Starla tonight!" Melany said to her, trying to get her to smile. She did. A whisper of a smile glided over her lips.

"This is so exciting!" Nova exclaimed as she hugged and kissed Rafinha on the lips. He bought her a beautiful diamond pendant necklace and matching ring. It was a serious step in their relationship. "I love all of you so much." She smiled wide before placing a loving kiss on Rafinha's lips.

Odelia smiled. Nova looked so happy. Her eyes were wide in excitement to see what he rest of the day was going to contain.

Nova hen rushed everyone out so that her and Lena could get dressed for school.As Melany pushed Odelia towards the door. As she tumbled towards the door, she fell straight into Marc.

Feeling the warmth of his hand of his hand and the strong grip he had on her arms, keeping her from falling.

"Sorry." Odelia whispered and tried to escape quickly but Marc caught her hand, stopping her from going any further.

"Can I talk to you Odelia?" Marc asked, with pleading eyes.

"No." She said with authority. She was hurt by Marc and she wasn't going to give in that easily. Marc was supposed to be her best friends with her, but instead of making her feel good about herself, in that moment, he made her feel so small and insecure.

"Please." He begged.

"No Marc. Because you made me feel like I was this size," She said, showing it with her fingers, "And that's not okay!" She exclaimed before walking away.

Marc turned to look at his friends who all gave him an apologetic look. Marc sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Sorry about that Nova." He apologised. But Nova just shook her head.

"It's fine Marc. I'd love for you two to start speaking again, all of us miss it. But you hurt her Marc. You were her best friend and you treated her the way someone would if they hated her." Nova explained.

"I know and that's why I'm trying to apologise." Marc explained, feeling tears come to his eyes. Marc bit his tongue. He didn't want to cry. He couldn't believe that a girl was making him cry, let alone a girl he wasn't even in a relationship with.

"Just give her time and she'll come around." Marco said with a smile and Marc nodded.

"I'm going out a run." Marc said, heading straight for Lillian's room.


"What are you wearing tonight?" Melany asked Odelia who was sitting on her bed, playing with Nova's curly hair. She was braiding it for the birthday girl for her party tonight.

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