Twenty Two

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Odelia eventually stopped being sick and was able to come back to school. Odelia swore that she was not drinking that way for the next while. And it saddened Odelia that there was another party at the weekend and she wasn't drinking.

Odelia sat in history with her head resting on her hand while her teacher spoke in a monotone voice that could put anyone to sleep.

"Hey you have something on your shirt." Paulo said and pointed to her chest. Odelia looked down only to see Paulo flick her nose.

Nova and Rafinha were watching and burst out laughing along with Paulo. Odelia blushed, embarrassed while her friends laughed at her.

"I hate you so much." She punched Paulo on the shoulder and they all continued to laugh.

"You could never hate me." Paulo joked and looked down at his ex-girlfriend and smile wide. He didn't want to admit it but he really did still hope that they could get back together but she was happy with Fernando.

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes and got back to concentrating.

The teacher started to play a film to do with the topic they were studying. Paulo placed his and on the table next to Odelia's. Their hands brushed and Paulo couldn't help but smile a little.

Once Odelia realised their hands were touching, she quickly moved her hand under the table. Paulo was only her friend.

Paulo looked at Nova and Rafinha who were holding hands in front and looking like the cutest couple. Paulo thought about how that used to be him and Odelia. They used to the the big couple in the school and now they weren't.

The class soon finished and they went to lunch. Odelia was off after lunch to Fernando suggested that they take his car and go for a McDonald's. Fernando's treat.

Odelia fixed her school trousers she decided to wear today because they became untucked and while she did Marc and Paulo slammed into her side making them all fall to the ground. The way they fell, Odelia ended up on top of both of them.

They all groaned and laughed while everyone looked at them.

"Are you okay babe?" Fernando asked, taking her hands and pulling her up from the ground.

"I'm good." She said dusting off her body from the dirt from the ground. "What the fuck were you two idiots doing?" Odelia asked, punching the both of them on the shoulder.

"Marc threw-" Paulo paused and picked up the mini football from the floor, "this and we were racing to get it." He explained making Odelia roll her eyes. "You're so childish." Odelia then looked at the three tall boys with a smile before turning to her boyfriend. "Shall we go."

"Yeah." He smiled and wrapped his arm around Odelia before they walked out of the school.


"What are you wearing tonight?" Melany asked as she walked out of the bathroom in her towel.

Odelia pulled out the small lace bodysuit that she was going to wear along with a black skirt with a pair of bright blue heels.

"Oh sexy." Melany joked making Odelia laugh.

"What are you wearing?"

"Just a lacy skirt and a crop top."

The two girls then got ready and took pictures together before they met the guys and Nova- Lena wasn't feeling well so decided not to come.

In the car, Rafinha was driving and Marc was in the passenger seats. Marco and Antoine were meeting Saoirse and Tina while Manu decided to stay with Lena so she wasn't alone. So that left Paulo, Melany, Nova and Odelia to fit in the back of the car.They were all so squished and Melany- since she was the smallest was balancing on Nova and Odelia's legs.

Hentford High School (Torres/Bartra/Dybala)Where stories live. Discover now