Twenty Three

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"I think I'm going to the library after school. Cause I need to study so bad or I'm going to fail the exams when they come." Odelia said to Melany as she fixed her school tie and Melany fixed her skirt.

The two had, surprisingly, got up early today and were not ready with an hour to spare before school started. Odelia tucked her shirt into her trousers and then walked downstairs. Only a few students were awake.

"Maybe we'll get good food since we're up early." Melany commented making Odelia smile. Early in the morning, the cafeteria staff sometimes made pancakes. Both Melany and Odelia were hoping that they were making them.

Odelia skipped along the empty halls making Melany laugh and video her as she sang some songs.

"Wow you're amazing Odelia!" Melany exaggerated while filming Odelia who just laughed.

The girls walked into the cafeteria and were overjoyed that pancakes were on offer today. Melany and Odelia took piles before going to their table and tucking into their food.

The two sat and relaxed for half an hour before the rest of the school drowned the cafeteria. Marc and Marco sat next her while Lena and Rafinha sat next to Melany.

The tranquil silence had now completely disappeared and a constant noise of talking took over. Odelia chatted with her friends before she got a text from Fernando. He was asking her to come to the steps of the piazza so she left her friends and met Fernando.

"Hi." She smiled as he came her a big smile too. Fernando leaned forward and pecked her lips which made her smile wide.


"So what did you need me for?" Odelia asked, placing her hand onto his.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to see you." Fernando grinned which made Odelia laugh loudly at him.

"Well aren't you really cheesy?"

"I thought the French liked cheesy lovey stuff."

"Oh we do." Odelia smiled and took Fernando's face into her hands and kissed him with a smile.

The school bell rang so Odelia left her boyfriend with a kiss before going back to her friends.

"Vamos!" Marc shouted as he chucked her school bag over to her. Odelia screamed as she caught her bag. She laughed and punched Marc on the shoulder before they walked to class.

"Ah, just the people I wanted to see!" Their French teacher exclaimed making Marc and Odelia widen their eyes.

"What do you need us for?" Marc asked.

"I was meant to ask last week, but would you two like to go to Valencia High School for a day? It's just a small exercise where you will meet with a few students to connect with them. We wanted to make this a place where there is no prejudice between us, just because we are a private school."

"Yeah that's great. We're friends with some of the people from Valencia High School so it should be good." Odelia smiled and so did the teacher.

"Great, there will be a taxi here in ten minutes so you both can wait outside." Odelia and Marc both smiled at their teacher before walking out of the school.

"Well this is exciting." Odelia turned around and grinned at Marc. She walked backwards out of the school while he laughed at her pulling funny faces.

"Oh very." Marc joked and pushed her out of the door. The leaned against the fence outside while waiting for the taxi.

The taxi arrived just a few minutes later and the best friends climbed into the taxi before it took them to Valencia High School.

Odelia and Marc hesitantly wandered towards the school. Eventually they found the entrance, which was surprisingly around the side. They walked to the office and then were told to wait in the cafeteria for the students.

Hentford High School (Torres/Bartra/Dybala)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt