Chapter 1

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I took a step down the stairs, not paying attention to my walking since I was zoned in on the Tumblr app on my phone. I must've missed a step as I came tumbling down the stairs, landing at the bottom with a loud thump. "Dan, what did you do?" Phil shouted from his room. "Uh- Just dropped my phone down the stairs." I replied as I went to stand up, but quickly fell back down. "Ah, shit." I muttered, holding my ankle. I must've sprained it or something. "Actually Phil, can you come here?" I heard his cheery reply of "Be right there!" followed by footsteps. Phil stood above me and my gaze went from his feet to his eyes. "I think I twisted my ankle." I rubbed my left ankle a bit. Phil bent down beside me to look at it. "How did you twist it if you just dropped your phone?" I shrugged, "I might've been lying." Phil jokingly rolled his eyes and trotted off to get the med kit.

"All better!" Phil exclaimed as he shut the med kit and stood up. I awkwardly smiled at him as he began to help me stand up again. "Now go get ready, we're going over to see Peej and Chris in an hour." I groaned and limped off to my bedroom. I rummaged through my closet and picked out a black short-sleeved shirt and a pair of black jeans. I quickly changed and limped into the lounge to see Phil sprawled out on the couch. He was on the phone with someone and didn't notice me when I walked in. "Yeah, but don't say anything to him when we get there." Phil spoke into the phone. "No, Chris please don't tease me about it. It's no joking matter and he can't know about it,  okay?" Phil paused. What was he talking about? "See you in a bit, Chris." Phil took his phone away from his ear and sat it on the couch. I walked up to him and sat down. He looked nervous. "So, what was that call about?" I asked as casually as I could. Phil didn't make eye-contact with me, "Oh it was nothing. Chris was just asking what snacks you preferred." I nodded, but knew that wasn't it. I wonder if Pj would know anything. Phil stood up and I stood up after him. We started to walk towards the front door of our flat and down the retched stairs.

Phil and I called a taxi, giving the driver the directions. We tipped him a few pounds as we got out and walked up to the familiar door. Phil knocked before I could. After a few seconds, Chris opened the door with a smiling face, "Dan, Phil! Come on in!" He stepped out of the doorway, allowing us inside, then shut the door behind us. I stood beside Phil, awkwardly stuffing my hands in my jean pockets. Pj waltzed in and greeted us. "Hey guys, glad you could come!" "Thanks for inviting us, Peej!" Phil said cheerfully. Chris's voice chimed in, "Hey Phil. Can I show you some new merchandize I've been working on?" Phil nodded, following Chris into the other room. That left me and Pj standing awkwardly in their lounge. "How's the little crush?" Pj knocked me out of my thoughts. I quickly hushed him, "They can probably hear us." He shrugged and pulled me into the kitchen. "Are you going to tell him?" Pj's question was left unanswered as I thought about it. What would I say? 'Hey Phil. I've known you for years and I have a school-crush on you, want to date?' Like I have the guts to do that!

Pj waved a hand in front of my face. "Dan?" I looked at him, "I don't know what to say to him." Pj placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, "I could always talk to him about it. I'm sure he likes you back, Dan." I sighed and looked down at my shoes. "What if he doesn't?" That question wasn't really directed for Pj, it was more for myself. I've liked Phil since the day I first met him. Everyday I'd have to stop myself from saying anything in fear of ruining our friendship. "I know he does." Pj all most whispered. I heard footsteps behind me and my head shot up to see a beautiful pair of blue eyes staring at me. "Are we ready to go grab some lunch?" Chris asked, his voice sounded muffled to me. I was caught in Phil's stare, but was cut short do to Phil fist pumping and shouting, "Let's go!" I chuckled at his childishness and received a pat on the shoulder from Pj. The four of us started walking to the small shopping area down the street.

"So Dan. What's your opinion?" Phil asked me. I looked up at him and tilted my head. I didn't hear the conversation because I couldn't stop worrying. "What was the question?" I asked quietly. Phil chuckled, "Do you think that cats or squids are better?" I raised an eyebrow at the odd question, which triggered Pj and Chris, who were sat across the table from Phil and I, to start laughing. "I would say squids because they can't claw your eyes out." I joked, Phil smiled. "That's what I said!" I smiled back. Our meal arrived and all conversation was dropped. The four of us started eating our food, talking about how delicious it was. I finished my plate first and sat back on my phone. I pulled up one of the odd Flash games I had downloaded a while back and began playing. Phil leaned on my side and peaked at my phone, "Nice game there." I could feel my cheeks heat up, but quickly pushed the feeling aside. "Yeah, it's super entertaining," I replied sarcastically. Phil noted my sarcasm and started laughing.

The four of us went back over to Pj's after we ate. We were all sitting in the floor of their lounge. Chris wanted to play Truth or Dare, so we were taking turns. It was Chris's turn to ask.  "Dan, truth or dare?" "Truth." He let out a whine.  "Don't be such a baby!" I shrugged.  "Sorry I'm too awkward for a dare." "Alright, do you have a crush on anybody?" I rolled my eyes, "We aren't children, Chris." He tossed his hands up, "Answer the question!" I thought for a second, if I said yes then they would tease me. If I said no, I would be lying. "Fine, I do have a crush." Phil made a surprised sound and Chris went to ask another question, but I quickly stopped him.  "Pj, truth or dare?" Pj thought for a second before blurting out an answer, "Dare!" I smirked, "I dare you to lick Chris's cheek." Pj cringed and Chris sighed, but as dared, Pj licked his cheek. Phil said "Ewwww" jokingly and we continued the game. "Phil, truth or dare?," Pj questioned. "Dare," Phil quickly replied. Pj chuckled, "I dare you to kiss Dan's cheek." I shot a glance at Pj and he just shrugged. Phil looked at me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. Thank God it was dark in the room so my red cheeks weren't so apparent. The game continued, but I zoned out, thinking about Phil's soft lips pressed against my cheek. 

"Dan, you've already had two bottles! Save some for the rest of us." Pj groaned. Chris had gotten out bottles of alcohol about an hour ago and now the four of us, more like three because Phil only had one glass, were completely wasted. "We should head home now, Dan. It's getting late." I looked over at the moving figure and all my thoughts were slurred. Phil helped me up and we said goodbye to Pj and Chris. Phil then helped me into a taxi. The ride was quiet and my head was spinning. Phil had to help lift my heavy body  up the stairs and into our flat. He helped me into my bedroom and went to leave. "Wait, Phil." I let out. Don't do it. Phil stopped walking and turned to face me. "I have to tell you something." You're going to embarrass yourself. Phil sat himself next to me on my bed. "What is it?" His polite voice urged me on. "I-I love you, Phil." Damn it, Dan. Phil smiled, "Yeah, I love you too, Dan!" I looked down and felt like I wasn't in my own body. "No, I love you more than a friend, Phil." My words slurred as I spoke. "Oh," was all I heard Phil say before my body, or rather the one I was in, but couldn't control now, cut him off by pressing my lips on his. What have you done?!

Phil didn't pull away after a long minute, but quickly did once he realized what was happening. "Phil, I-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I could feel the alcohol drain from my body and I felt sick. I rushed to the bathroom, leaving Phil sitting on the bed stunned. I threw up what I had when we went out for lunch. When I felt like everything was emptied out of me and the bathroom was clean, I leaned my back against the cold wall. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. Idiot. Why would you do that? I heard footsteps, but I didn't look up. I couldn't see his face right now, not after making a mess of our friendship. "I'm sorry, Phil." I muttered. Phil sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I forced myself to look at him. "Why are you apologizing?" His eyes were focused on me. "I-I kissed you." Phil smiled at me and the disastrous thoughts I was having went away.  "Don't apologize, Dan. I didn't mind it." He's messing with me. He has to be. There's no way this is happening.  "What?" I lifted an eyebrow at him. "I love you, too, silly." I couldn't comprehend what he was saying, "Are you being serious?" Phil nodded, "Of course I am!" I didn't know what to say. "Dan?" "What does this mean now?" I asked.

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