Chapter 25

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I woke up to my laptop going off with the incoming Skype call noise. I groaned and went to see who it was. I saw Phil's contact photo and immediately pick up. I ruffled my hair and waved, "Hey." Phil had on one of my sweaters he must've stole. He had those cute sweater paws and a bowl of cereal, "Hey bear." "Did you sleep well?" I asked. Phil shrugged, "If you call two hours a good night's sleep." I gave him a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry, Phil. I'm sorry this had to happen to you." Phil took a bite of his cereal, "It's fine. She was doing a lot better this morning. She even started talking." I perked up a bit at the news, "Oh that's great!" Phil smiled and nodded, fixing his fringe with his casted arm, "Yeah it is. She said some really hilarious stuff because of all the medication they put her on. She wants to see you though, she was serious about that." "Oh um, I guess I could come today. Would that work?" I asked and Phil nodded. "I'll text you the address to my parents house. That's where I'm at right now." I nodded, "Let me get dressed and I'll head out as soon as I can." "Love you," he smiled. I smiled back, "Love you too." I hung up and turned off my computer before going to get changed.

Soon enough, I was in a taxi on my way to Phil's parents house. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. "Wait change of plans, drop me off at the nearest bar," I shouted at the driver. "You ditching your girlfriend there, son?" I huffed, "You could say. I uh- I'm meeting my boyfriend and I just need two drinks to keep my mind straight." He pulled up to a pub, "Want me to wait?" "Could you please? I'll be out quickly," I smiled slightly and walked into the bar. I quickly downed four cups of wine before paying and getting back in the cab. I was slightly tipsy now which helped me stop shaking. "You co-can't smell it on me, can you?" I leaned forward as I asked the driver. "Not at all. Just two more minutes," he flashed me a smile in the rear view mirror. I mumbled a thanks and glanced out the window. I saw Phil's parents house coming up and sighed. The driver pulled up in front of the house and I paid the fee before getting out. I stumbled up the pavement up to the door and knocked. Phil opened it within a minute and engulfed me into a hug. I hugged back and leaned on him, half to comfort him, half to keep my balance. I realize now that the wine took a bigger toll on me since I skipped breakfast this morning. "My dad's at the hospital right now and told me I should stay back. Martyn's in his room right now," Phil explained, shutting the door behind us. I tripped on my own foot, but caught myself. "Are you alright?" Phil asked, sitting me down on the couch. He had tear stained eyes and I didn't want to make him angry. "Yeah, didn't sled-Sled?-Sleep well either," I lied. Phil hugged me again as he started crying. I rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm scared, Dan," he choked out. Thank god I drank that wine or else I'd be crying too right now. Phil sat up and wiped his eyes, sniffling a bit. I placed a hand on his check, "She's going to be fine." Phil nodded. I heard footsteps and we both turned our attention to the hallway. Phil's brother walking in wearing black sports shorts and a grey hoodie, "Phil can w- Oh hey Dan. Nice to see you again." "You too, Martyn," I smiled. "What was that?" Phil asked him. "I wanna head back, but I wanted to know of you'd like to come? We can take dad's car," Martyn let out a small yawn. I guess he didn't sleep either. Phil shrugged, "I don't think either of us are in our right mind's to drive, Martyn." Don't do it, Daniel. "I could drive," I exclaimed. Dammit Dan. "Dan do you really think you'd be able to drive with that?" Phil pointed at my cast. I'd totally forgotten about it even as I was using the crutches right now. "Oh yeah, whoops," I shrugged. Martyn went to get us a cab. Phil and I waited outside until it pulled up. I sat on the left, Phil next to me in the middle, and Martyn on the right. I didn't notice that the driver was the same until he called me out, "Hey it's you, bar guy. Is that your fiancé next to you?" I nodded and Phil eyed me. "Bar guy?" He whispered to me. "I uh-" "So where to guys?" The driver interrupted. Thank you, middle-aged taxi driver. "The Memorial Hospital," Martyn spoke up. The driver headed off to the hospital.

"So what did he mean by 'Bar Guy'? You didn't drink before you came here did you?" Phil whispered again. "He uh- I-" "So Dan, how's your leg?" Martyn interrupted. I'm on a roll today. "It's fine, doesn't hurt or anything," I spoke up. Phil leaned on me and I felt his breathing slow down. Martyn leaned against the window and shut his eyes. I guess these two really didn't get any sleep. "How come your visiting the hospital, son?" The driver said quietly. "Their mum's sick," I quietly answered back. The driver nodded, "Did you tell him about the drinks?" I shook my head, "He doesn't know I pac-picked it up again." The driver pulled up to the front of the hospital. I woke up Phil and Martyn. Martyn paid for the cab and we all got out. Phil wrapped himself around my arm as we walked up to the registration desk. Phil told the lady who what room we needed to go to. "I'll need some ID," she spoke rather annoyed. I took out my wallet and showed her my ID. Phil and Martyn did the same. The lady made us step back so she could take our pictures for the visitor tags. We stuck them to us and walked to her room. Phil would not let go of my arm the whole time. Not that I didn't mind, he was kind of keeping me up right. When we got in her room, Phil pushed the door open like it was a piece of glass that would break if you were too rough. His dad was sitting in one of the chairs asleep. His mum was sitting up in the hospital bed looking extremely sick. Martyn sat in a chair next to his dad. Phil led me to the bed side.

His mum smiled slightly at me, "I remember you. Daniel wasn't it?" I nodded, "Yes ma'am." She lifted up her hand that shoke worse than mine were, "You stop lying to my baby boy, alright?" Phil and I exchanged confused glances before turning back to his mum when she started coughing. "Y-You know what I mean, Daniel. I want to be well enough to see your wedding not well enough to see your divorce," She chuckled through her cough. My mind was a little fuzzy now. Phil sat down in a chair next to us. I sat on the armrest. "Phillip," his mum called out. "I'm right here mum," Phil reached out to hold her hand. "You listen to me alright," she placed her hand limply in his, "I'm not dying. Not anytime soon at least. They told me I just have pneumonia." Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief. "When did they tell you that?" Martyn asked. "Right before you three came," Phil's dad spoke up. "That's great news," I smiled at no one in particular. Phil let go of my arm so I wrapped it around his shoulders. A doctor walked in and stood at the foot of the bed, a smile plastered on her face, "I see you have new visitors." "Oh, yes. Guys this is Doctor Hayes. She just got assigned to me after you boys left this morning," Phil's mum announced. She pointed to Martyn, "That's my son Martyn, he's a bit mischievous nowadays." Doctor Hayes went over to shake his hand as Phil's mum kept talking.

"This is Philly, he's our oldest, and that's his fiancé Dan." Phil shook Doctor Hayes' hand and as did I. "Glad you are all here. I have some good news," Doctor Hayes smiled and stuffed her hands in the pocket of her white coat. Phil perked up in his chair. "You all will be happy to know that it is just pneumonia and after a few more days of medication, she will be able to go home," Doctor Hayes smiled widely. "Oh that's great news Doctor, thank you so much," Martyn smiled. Phil wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me. Doctor Hayes went to walk out of the room. Phil's parents turned to us, but this time his dad spoke, "You boys go home, alright? She's doing fine so you go home and you rest, okay?" Phil nodded, "Do you want us to take Martyn back home?" His dad ruffled Martyn's hair, "No, we got the punk. Now get the hell out of here before I have to chase you disgusting people out." Phil handed me my crutches and I followed him out. We made our way to the elevator and he pressed the button. "Does he always act like that?" Phil tilted his head at me, "Does who?" "Your dad, does he always act really freaking rude?" "No? He uh- No, he doesn't." I could tell Phil was lying. "Phil," I ushered. The elevator dinged and we both got out, making our way to the street. "Not now, okay?" Phil pleaded. I nodded. Phil got us a cab which we got into. He told the driver the address to his parents house so he could get his bags.

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