Chapter 16

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I don't know what time Phil and I fell asleep, but when I woke up around one, my phone kept buzzing like mad. Phil wasn't in bed, he probably went to the bathroom. I checked my phone. Most of the notifications were from Twitter, but there were a couple of text messages from friends. I pulled up the texts and read them. A couple from Louise asking to help plan the wedding, which I sure was going to let her help, and one from PJ asking if he could come over later. I texted Louise first, telling her of course she could, then told PJ to wait a moment while I went to ask Phil. I pulled on some blank skinny jeans and my No Face sweater. "Phiiiiilllll. Where'd you go?" I called while searching through the house. Phil wasn't here, but there was a note on the counter. I picked it up and read it out loud, "'Dan, I went to the store because I accidentally ate all of your cereal and wanted to get you more. Sorry, don't yell at me when I get back! Love, your fiancé.' How could he?!" I was about to throw away the note when I caught a glimpse of pencil scribbles on the back.

I flipped it over and read it out loud again, "'P.S. Call me when you wake up and tell me if you want anything.' " I took my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Phil's number. He picked up after two rings, "Hello?" "Hey Phil, I'm up," I greeted. "Hi, Dan! Don't worry I already guessed what you wanted and I'm actually home now," Phil chuckled. I hung up once I heard the front door open and rushed over to help Phil with the bags. He kissed my forehead, "Morning lovely." I immediately took out the box of cereal that Phil just bought and poured me a bowl. "Sorry I ate all of it," Phil had finished putting all the groceries away, but leaned against the counter with a pouty face. "Don't worry about it. Thanks for getting me two boxes AND a bag of Maltesers," I dug into my bowl of cereal. Phil started to walk out of the room, probably to go on his computer, but I grabbed his arm, suddenly remembering I needed to as about PJ, "Peej wants to know if he can come over later, probably for dinner or something." Phil smiled, "Yeah sure. I'll make some pasta for all of us. Tell him five o'clock?" I nodded and smiled back, "I'll tell him."

PJ came over at the time we set. Phil managed to make dinner an hour before he came. We ate, we played around, I kicked his ass at Mario Kart. "So Peej. How's the old YouTube channel?" Phil attempted to make small talk, which made me snort. PJ smiled and nudged me, "Same old, same old. Anything new with you guys?" "Well we got engaged. I don't know if anyone told you," I joked. "Oh, I thought all those tweets were just a joke! You guys actually got engaged?" PJ's eyes widen. Phil and I both nodded. "Congrats guys! When's the wedding?" He smiled at us. I looked at Phil and raised an eyebrow, Phil cleared his thought, "June fifteenth, hilariously in twenty twenty-two." I smiled. That was the day Phil proposed. PJ smirked, "I'm invited right?" "Actually, I think we forgot to put you on the guest list," I chuckled. PJ looked hurt, but I could tell he knew I was joking, "How could you, Dan? I'm your best mate!" "Correction: Phil's my best mate," I did the little finger pistol thing at PJ. Phil leaned against me, "I put you on the list, Peej." PJ leaned back on the couch, "Who's gonna help plan?" I shrugged, Phil answered for me, "Louise and maybe Sophie, if you could ask for us?" PJ nodded, "Sure. She'd love to help."

PJ went home around seven. Phil tidied up while I got in the shower. When I got out, I put on some sweatpants and one of Phil's sweaters, the fox sweater to be exact. After the few hours we spent with PJ, I started feeling very 'distant-yourself-now-or-have-an-essential-crisis.' I sighed and fell back on the bed. I needed a way to shake this stupid feeling away forever. It wasn't good to be sad for no reason, especially since I'm engaged to the love of my life. I shut my eyes and tried to think of Phil to ease my bad thoughts. That didn't work. I just started stressing about the wedding and thinking too much of it. What if my parents get mad at me? What if it all falls to crap? What if our other friends don't approve? What if Phil is just doing this to spite me? What if he doesn't love me? What if, what if, what if. I lightly hit my self on the head. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I listened to the noise in the background and heard Phil humming that tune he does when he cleans. I groaned.

The thoughts got worse, to the point I actually had tears in my eyes. I didn't hear Phil's humming anymore, I just heard silence. I sniffled, rubbed my eyes and went to find Phil. He was sitting on the couch, a book in his lap. He was wearing sweatpants as well and his Jake the Dog hoodie. I let a small smile cross my lips when I saw him wearing his glasses. I walked over to him and he sat the book down. "Hey D- Are you crying?" Phil's eyes widen. I moved my sweater paw up and wiped my eyes again. Phil patted his lap and I sat down on it, facing him. I wrapped my arms around his chest and buried my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around my back, "What's wrong, love?" "What do you love about me?" My voice was muffled by his hoodie, but I guessed he heard it. Phil moved his hands up to my shoulders and slowly pushed me off him. He poked my cheeks and my nose, "I love how squishy your cheeks are and how cute your nose is. I love your eyes even though you don't like the color of them." He twirled a strand of my hair that was starting to get curly around his finger, "I love your hobbit hair and wish you wouldn't straighten it all the time." I smiled slightly and listened as he kept going. "I love your voice and your laugh, no matter how silly. I love your jokes and your smile. God do I love your smile."

He took his hand off of my shoulder and slipped it into mine, "I love how out hands fight together so well and how we always seem to know what the other likes. I love how you look better in my clothes than I do and how much you love to steal my jumpers. I love your everything, Dan." I let a tear escape my eye and Phil pulled me into a hug again. "I feel better now. Thank you," I tightened the hug. "Louise invited us for drinks tomorrow if you don't mind going. I can tell her no," Phil added. "No, no it's alright. It'll be fine," I reassured him. Phil pushed my hair off of my forehead and planted a kiss on it. I pressed my lips against his, "Wear your glasses more please. They look really cute on you." Phil chuckled, "How about we make a deal?" "Oh no," I sighed. "No, it's good!" Phil argued. I smiled, "Alright what is it?" Phil smirked, which looked really hot on him, "I'll wear my glasses when we go out with Louise only if you don't straighten your hair." "That's just cruel," I pouted. Phil crossed his arms, "You don't like your hobbit hair as much as I don't like my glasses." "Fine," I sighed. Phil smiled and pressed his lips against mine, "I love you, Dan." I kissed his nose, "I love you too, Phil."

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