Chapter 35

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Phil's mum was doing a lot better by the time we went back home. She had endured her last week of chemo into the new year and was allowed to go back home. I just about forced Phil onto the plane and into a cab back to the flat. We were both miserable and in need of showers. I let Phil go first while I made something for us to eat. I didn't find anything in the cupboards so I decided to order some pizza. Phil was out of the shower by the time I hung up the phone. "I ordered pizza, so get the door and I'm going to get in the shower alright?" I said to him. He nodded and sat down on the couch. I walked over to him and pressed my lips to his wet hair before going to take a shower. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the warm water. I made sure to wash my hair thoroughly before cleaning the rest of my body and getting out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and used another to dry my hair a bit while I looked for clothes to wear. I found some sweatpants and a sweater to change into before drying my hair completely and straightening it.

When I came out to the hallway I saw Phil walking up the stairs with the pizza. I smiled and followed him. We ate in the lounge and played Mario Kart for a while. It was nice acting normal with Phil for once. I was worried we were drifting away from each other. "Hey Dan, don't you have to take a pill now?" Phil nudged me. "Oh, shit yeah," I smacked my palm against my forehead and went to take one of those damn pills again. They tasted disgusting so I usually swallowed them with a glass of water. I came back to Phil asleep out on the couch. I chuckled at him before turning of the television and grabbing the empty pizza box. I tossed the box in the trash and came back into the lounge. I scooped Phil up bridal style and carried him into our room. I carefully sat his sleeping body onto the bed and covered him up. I snuck into the bathroom to brush my teeth before joining Phil in the bed. I wrapped my arm around his waist. "Goodnight Phil," I whispered. "Goodnight Dan," Phil yawned out.

I woke up before Phil and decided I would actually get up and do something for him. I made us pancakes for breakfast, since we were out of cereal. I brought it to him in bed along with a glass of orange juice. I even brought it all in on a little tray to set in his lap. When I walked into the bedroom, I flicked on the light switch with my nose and walked over to Phil's side of the bed. He blinked his eyes open and me and sat up when he saw the tray. "I made you breakfast and thought I would bring it to you in bed," I smiled and held the try out to him. "Wow, thank you Dan. It looks delicious," Phil smiled and placed the tray in his lap. He started to eat and I walked over to my side of the bed. I sat down beside him and leaned on his shoulder as he ate. "I thought we should prolly take it easy today since it has been so stressful lately," I smiled. Phil nodded and stuffed his mouth full of food. "Maybe we could go on a walk to the London Eye or something," I yawned. "That sounds good," Phil replied, his mouth no longer full, "Have you had anything to eat?" I sat up, "I'm alright Phil."

Phil stuck his fork into a piece of pancake and stuffed it in my mouth. I frowned at him while I chewed it. He looked so happy at his actions so I let him feed me a bit more. "Now go get dressed," I poked at him before taking the tray. Phil rummaged through the wardrobe while I took the tray into the kitchen. I cleaned the dishes on it and walked back into the bedroom. Phil was tugging off his shirt when I walked in. He jumped and held the shirt over his chest. I chuckled, "Phil, I've see way more of your than your bare chest." Phil huffed at me and pulled on his ladybug jumper. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black jumper. I pulled on some socks as well, some how in tune with Phil. "Thank you for breakfast by the way," he leaned over to plant a kiss on my cheek. "You're welcome love," I kissed his cheek as well. Phil jumped up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet, "Let's go now, shall we?"

Phil was so energetic immediately after leaving the flat. I couldn't keep up. Somehow he went from sleeping in later than me to running around like a five year old hyped up on sweets. He kept running ahead while I fell back onto a bench, "Phil. Phil slow down please." He turned around and walked back over to me, "Oh sorry!" "What's gotten into you? You're all happy and jumpy today," I clutched my side as I caught my breath. Phil sat down next to me, "Let's get married right now." I just about choked on my own saliva, "What?" Phil leaned back on the bench, "What if we don't make it to twenty-twenty? I've been thinking about it since my mum went into the hospital. Cancer might run in the family, Dan. What if I get it and don't make it to the wedding?" I was taken back by Phil's words, "Phil... The likelihood of you getting cancer is so low." Phil sat up rather quickly, "Dan I just... I want you to know how much I care. I want you to take on my last name and watch us live the rest of our lives together. We could just go get it on paper and wait for the actual wedding date to have the wedding." "Phil I...," I couldn't muster up the right words for a moment, "It's not that I don't want to get married to you. I would've said no when you proposed if I did. I just don't.... No, you're right. Let's do it." Phil's mouth gaped open, "Really?"

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