Chapter 23

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After we ate the Chinese take-out Phil ordered, we decided to celebrate living with alcohol, funny enough. Well, Phil didn't drink much, but I downed a whole bottle of something. I honestly don't remember what it was called and man was my head spinning. Phil and I kept giggling at nothing as we were sitting on the kitchen floor, another bottle in my hand. "It could've r- HICCUP - ran us over," I awed at that fact. Phil leaned his head back, which just made him move forwards and fall on the floor. I started laughing. Phil looked up and frowned at me, but started laughing himself. He turned around on the floor so his head could rest in my lap. "I could lay here forever," he yawned. I nodded and hiccupped again. Phil chuckled and tapped my nose with his casted hand. I saw the messy black writing on it and snorted, "When did I write that?" Phil looked at it and shrugged, "I dunno." "Hey, babe- HICCUP - your head is on my crotch," I chuckled. Phil narrowed his eyes and me and started laughing. I tilted my head at him. "You called me babe!" He chuckled.

I probably had a whole bottle plus two cups of whatever we had on hand and Phil had only three cups. I slid my hand down his thigh and smirked. He looked at me and then my leg and frowned. "What's wrong babe?" I frowned myself. "You're drunk," he said. "You are too," I said back. He shook his head, "I'm tipsy. I can think straight. You're drunk." I took my hand off of him and tilted my head, "We're celebrating." Phil shook his head, "Maybe. I'm going to bed so I can go out tomorrow." "Did we have plans?" I asked. Phil shook his head again and went to stand up, "No. I have plans." I reached my hand up towards him, "Don't go babe. Stay with me." Phil sighed, "Dan, I love you, but I hate the smell of alcohol strong on your breath." I heard Phil hiccup too. "Come on, Phil," I pleaded, but he just walked away. I grabbed my crutches and made my way to the bedroom. Phil wasn't there so I guessed he slept in the other room.

I woke up and felt a crick in my neck. I groaned and felt headache forming. I sniffled and blinked my eyes open, but shielded them at the bright light. I pushed myself out of bed, still having on the clothes from yesterday. I felt sick, more so than I already was. I managed to make it off the bed and to the toilet just in time to throw up. I heard footsteps behind me, but didn't look back because it was obviously Phil. He came over and started rubbing my back as I threw up again. Phil rubbed circles on my back. Once I felt mildly okay, it was Phil's turn to be sick. I did the same thing to him as he did to me. "What the bloody hell did we do last night?" I groaned. Phil shrugged, "Last thing I remember was Chinese take-Oh god," He went to throw up again. "I'm certain we got drunk last night," Phil groaned. I nodded, "This headache is getting worse." Phil pushed himself up and brushed his teeth and helped me up so I could do the same. "I'll go get us some medicine. You lay down," Phil smiled. I nodded and went to lay down in our bed. Phil came back holding two glasses against his chest and a pill bottle resting in the sling on his cast.

We took the pills and he laid next to me. "Why weren't you in here when I woke up?" I asked him. He shrugged, "I don't even remember. I woke up cold though." "Me too," I sighed. I stretched out my arms, cheekily wrapping one around Phil's shoulders. Phil leaned his head on my shoulder and let out a breath. "Want to watch a movie?" I smirked. Phil nodded and smiled back. He got up and handed me my crutches and we made our way to the lounge. Phil made up some popcorn and started to play the movies before he sat down in between my legs and pulled a blanket over us. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he rested his head on my chest. Phil ended up falling asleep halfway through the movie. I took my phone off the floor without waking Phil and took a picture of the two of us. He always looked cute when he slept. I sat my phone back down and yawned. As I was about to fall asleep when Phil woke up and went to roll over, but fell off the couch and into the floor, hitting the coffee table on his way down.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" I peered down at him. Phil rolled over on his back and looked up at me, "I was dreaming that there was a spider on me and I woke up and felt you breathing on my neck and thought it was the spider." I started laughing, "Oh god, Phil! How did- I was holding you!" Phil frowned at me and I reached a hand out to help him up. My stomach growled and Phil chuckled. "We didn't eat did we?" I looked up at him. Phil shook his head, "Let's go get some cereal." He handed me my crutches and I stood up. We walked into the kitchen together. I leaned against the counter as Phil poured the cereal in two bowls. I poured the milk since Phil only hand one usable hand. We put the cereal and milk away before sitting at our silly table with the discolored chairs. Phil brought over our bowls one by one. We started eating and joking about something I couldn't remember.

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