Chapter 8

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I almost dropped my phone as I frantically hit Phil's name in my contacts and called him. I waited a couple of rings and he picked up. "Dan?" He sounded slightly confused. I sighed in relief, "You scared the hell out of me!" I heard him let out a breath, "Sorry! That guy turned out to be one of my relatives I haven't seen in a while. We took a while to catch up." I sunk back into the couch more, "Oh good. I thought he murdered you." Phil chuckled, "No, no. He just told me that my family is having a silly family reunion tomorrow and he wanted me to go." I groaned and Phil chuckled again, "I can bring a date." I groaned again, "I am not spending hours with your family. You know how I am." I heard the front door being opened and snuck out to see Phil. I let out a breath and hung up the phone. "Welcome home," I greeted Phil, taking one of the two bags he was carrying. We walked into the kitchen together, putting the bags on the counter. "You're coming with me to the reunion," Phil stated. I gave him my best puppy-dog look. He crossed his arms and stood up straighter, "That's not fooling me this time, Danny boy." I sighed, "Fine. What time is it?" "Nine in the morning." "Nine in the morning??!?" Phil nodded his head and groaned. "That's too early."

"Dan! I'm putting on American Horror Story!" Phil called from the lounge room. "Can't you wait two seconds for me to get popcorn?" I called back. "You're taking forever!" Phil complained, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah well the microwave sucks," I explained. The stupid machine dinged and I opened it. I carefully took out the steaming hot bag of popcorn and set it on the counter. Phil got out a giant bowl and set it next to the popcorn bag. I carefully opened the bag and poured the popcorn in. Phil snatched the bowl from me before I could grab it. I followed him into the lounge room and we sat down on the couch. I sat at the farthest end while Phil sat across from me. He hit play and I rested my legs on his lap. I set the popcorn on my legs so both of us could reach it. Our mini marathon lasted hours and our popcorn bowl was empty. Phil was now laying on top of me, his head resting on my chest and my arms wrapped around his waist.

I woke up and felt the extra weight on top of me. I looked to see Phil sleeping soundly. I smiled at how cute he looked when we slept. I reached for my phone that was in the floor, trying not to wake Phil. I picked up my phone, relieved when Phil was still asleep. I checked the time, five thirty in the morning. I should probably wake him up or we would be late to his stupid family reunion. I sat my phone down again and shook Phil awake. He looked up at me, muttered an apology, and got off of me. "Phil it's five thirty," I mentioned. Phil's eyes widen, "Oh gosh, Dan! We need to get ready!" Phil just about jumped off the couch and rushed into the room. I reluctantly got off the couch and walked into my room. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, my famous eclipse shirt, and a leather jacket since it was getting cold out. I quickly changed and put on a pair of random socks. Phil knocked on my door. "Come in," I said. Phil opened the door. He was wearing one of his plaid red button-ups and a pair of black jeans. He already had on his shoes, so I started to put mine on.

Phil and I got on the underground and took a seat next to each other. A couple of fans asked to take pictures with them so we did, not wanting to seem like grouches. The ride was a couple of hours long, but we eventually got off and called for a taxi. The reunion was being held at some park near Phil's childhood home. "Dan?" I tracked the voice to Phil and noticed he was waving a hand in front of my face. "Oh sorry. I spaced out," I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck. He smiled and jokingly rolled his eyes. The taxi stopped and Phil tipped the driver. We both got out and started walking towards the park. You could see his family from the entrance. "Are you going to tell them about us?" I asked, trying to hide my nerves. Phil shrugged, "Do you want to? My family knows I'm bisexual already, so it's not like they'll hate me. Plus they adore you." I scoffed at that last part, "I've only met your parents." We were almost near the crowd of people when I took Phil's hand in mine. He's right. His parents like me. There's no harm in this. Phil's mom rushed over to us, pulling us into a tight hug. "Oh I missed you boys!" Phil smiled, "Sorry I don't visit that much mum. It's pretty far." She shrugged, "It's alright Phillip." She turned to me with a very comforting, mother-like smile, "It's great to see you, Daniel!"

We've spent about an hour here. I've met some of Phil's cousins, chatted with his brother, Martyn, and I even talked to his grandparents. We were all sitting around at picnic tables and eating now. I was sat next to Phil across from his parents and Martyn. Phil was just about to tell them about us when his mum started to talk about how they might get a dog. "Hey mum, I have something I want to tell you," Phil interjected, grabbing my hand under the table. She looked at him and raised her eyebrow, "What is it?" I could feel their glares on us. Phil squeezed my hand a bit, "Dan and I are dating." His mum gasped extremely loud, "That's adorable! I was waiting for you to tell me, Phillip!" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Phil's dad smiled at me, he had a mouthful of food, so he politely didn't say anything. "We've been dating for almost a month now," I added. "Who asked who?" Martyn asked. Phil and I both looked at each other. "We both asked each other, really," Phil explained for me. His brother nodded and Phil smiled. "Didn't I tell you they wouldn't be mad?" Phil whispered to me. I smiled at him, "You did." We all went back to finishing our plates of food.

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