Chapter 26

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Phil and I got back home safe. He had all his bags, one backpack he hung over his shoulders and one suitcase he dragged with his good hand. My phone started ringing and I went to pick it up, "Dan speaking." "Mr. Howell, this is just a reminder to you and Mr. Lester of your doctor's appointment tomorrow," spoke an older woman's voice. "Oh thank you ma'am. We'll make sure to be there," I mentally groaned. The woman hung up without another word. "Rude," I scoffed. "Dan why is there a broken glass in the kitchen?" Phil raised an eyebrow at me. I leaned on my crutches, "Look okay, it's not easy to hold a cup AND crutches at the same time." Phil rolled his eyes and went to clean it up. I lost my balance on the crutches and toppled forward. I laid on the ground for a minute to think about what just happened. Phil rushed in, "Dan? Dan! Are you okay?" I pushed myself up and looked at him, "Peachy." Phil shook his head and a smile creeped across his face. He handed me my crutches and helped me to my feet. "How about we relax for a bit, huh?" "Sounds great," I smiled. We sat in silence for about an hour before Phil spoke up, "Hey, bear?" I turned to look at him, "Yeah?" "Will you play the piano for me?" He made that cute face of his that no one could resist. I sighed, "Fine, fine, but if the neighbors complain again it's in you." Phil's face lit up, "Oh thank you Dan! I love it when you play." I  pushed myself up and over to the piano. I started to play any random song that I remember.

Phil and I made it to the stupid appointment the next day and the doctor said we were ready to get our casts taken off. I was extremely grateful for this because we were supposed to go to Australia for the tour tonight. Phil and I went into separate rooms while we were getting our casts taken off. It was actually scary to watch. They had to bring a saw really close to you leg to cut it open before removing it. I was supposed to were a brace around my ankle if I was going to be doing a lot of walking. The doctor let me go with pain medication just in case it started to hurt again. I met Phil out in the waiting room. He had already set up the payment details since he got out before me. I limped a bit while walking because I had gotten used to using crutches. Phil chuckled at me. "Let's go home and pack shall we?" Phil nudged me. I nodded and groaned, "I can't wait for the freaking twenty-three hour flight." Phil leaned against me as we walked home. The doctor's office wasn't too far from our flat so we did walk. When we got home, my ankle was hurting a bit, but I shrugged it off. Phil helped me pull out our suitcases and threw them on the bed. "I still can't believe you actually got PJ to sew the duvets together," Phil smiled. I shrugged, "It's what boyfriends do."

We eventually had everything packed and ready to go before rushing to the airport in a cab. Being us, we were almost late for our flight because we were buying snacks. "I call the window seat!" Phil childishly called dibs as he jumped into the window seat. I rolled my eyes as I shoved our bags overhead bin and sat down next to Phil. The plane seats were only two to a row so I didn't have to sit right next to anyone. Phil had on his glasses and stared out the window. The flight attendant began to speak, but I ignored her and watched out the window. When the light dinged for us to fasten our seatbelts, I did so and watched as Phil did too. Then the plane began to take off and I leaned back in my chair. I didn't really like when planes took off, it just gave me an uneasy feeling. As soon as the lady told us we were at the right height to use electronics, I took out my laptop and put on a movie. I thought why not watch a couple of movies then sleep when I get tired. Phil poked my arm and I turned with him. He held out his camera so I paused the movie and let him take a picture of us. I watched as he uploaded it to twitter and smiled. I played the movie again and spun my engagement ring around my finger.

Twenty-three hours later and our plane was landing. Phil smiled at first sight of the airport. I yawned even though I slept for most of the flight. We left around midnight, London time, which meant it was nine in the morning when we landed in Sydney. Phil and I got off after we retrieved our carry-on luggage from the overhead bin. We trudged through the airport, reading signs to find the luggage claim area. Once we got there we had to wait a bit before finding the rest of our bags and dragging them to get a cab. "I think I regret wearing black now," I groaned. Phil chuckled, "We'll be at the hotel soon, bear." We shoved our bags into the back of a free cab and got in the backseat. I brought my backpack up with me so Phil and I's laptops wouldn't get damaged. I hugged it in my lap as Phil told the driver what hotel to go to. I saw a flash of light in the corner of my left eye and turned to Phil. He had his phone out so I assumed he took a picture of me. I just shook my head and continued to look out the window. We only had a couple of tour dates left before TATINOF would be over. I didn't know if I was sad that we would have to stop traveling or glad I could be home for longer than a month.

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