Chapter 9

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Phil left me talking to his brother while his dad wanted to take him on a walk to catch up. His brother was nice and all, but it was extremely awkward. Most of his family started to leave, each giving me a quick hug or just flat-out saying goodbye. I started to help his mum clean up when I heard Phil and his dad walking back. Then I heard a loud smack and Phil whimper. I turned around and heard his dad yell something at him. Phil looked at me and shrugged so I guessed it was okay. I turned back to helping his mum and brother. They didn't even look phased by the yelling. Phil and his dad started getting closer when I noticed him hit Phil pretty hard on the back. I walked over to them. "Ready to head out?" I asked, casually walking stepping in front of his dad. Phil nodded and we started to walk away. His dad placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back a bit. "You better be leaving my son alone soon," he snarled. I shook him off and walked with Phil to get in a taxi. When we got in the taxi, Phil didn't say much like he normally does. He didn't answer me when I asked him if he was okay.

Phil had locked himself in his room once we got home. I was standing outside the door trying to get him to talk. "Phil talk to me," I pleaded. Silence. "Tell me what's wrong." Even more silence. "Why was your dad yelling at you?" I heard Phil sniffle. Was he crying? "Please let me in." I leaned against the door and sighed. I heard Phil's bed creak and then the door unlocked. He didn't open it, but I heard him get back on his bed. I twisted his doorknob and opened the door. Poor Phil was slouched on his bed, knees to his chest. The curtains were closed and the light was off. I quietly walked over and sat behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist, and pulling him against my chest. He was crying, which almost made me cry. I hate seeing him like this. We sat like that for about an hour or two until he calmed down a bit. "Do you want to talk now? You don't have to, though," I tried to keep my voice to a low volume. Phil nodded and wiped his eyes. He adjusted himself in my grip a bit so he could talk.

"Oh Phil. I'm so sorry," I tightened my grip on him and rested my head on his shoulder. "It's alright, Dan. It was years ago, I don't even have the scars anymore," Phil's voice was almost a whisper. "You shouldn't have had to go through that." "I deserved it." "No, Phil. You didn't. He was drunk and you didn't do anything wrong. He led you on." Phil sighed. I planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'm sorry Dan. I didn't mean to get all mushy." "How about we get some sleep and we can play some video games tomorrow?" Phil looked at me and smiled, "That sounds great." I pressed our lips together for a moment. "Get changed and meet me back in my room for ultimate cuddles," I said, pushing myself off of his bed. I left Phil in his room to change as I went into my own room and changed. Though, I really only took off my shirt and jeans and stayed in my boxers. I got into my bed right as my door creaked open. Phil walked in and sluggishly crawled into my bed, pulling the blankets over the two of us. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close. "I love you, Dan." "I love you more, Phil."

Phil and I woke up around the same time. We stayed in bed for about two hours after we woke up. By the time we actually got out of bed, it was four in the afternoon. We just stayed in the lounge and played whatever video games we pulled out. I won about five matches of games, but Phil beat me by winning six. It was a fairly nice day until we got a knock at the door. Phil went to answer it, since he was standing and I was sitting. "Phil? Where's Dan? I need to talk to Dan." I heard a frantic voice, muffled by the walls. "Uh, he's in the lounge room." I could hear Phil's reply. I heard quick footsteps and I turned to the doorway. Pj was standing there, clutching his stomach. "Pj? What's wrong?" I stood up and faced him. "Someone broke into my flat and left this," he handed me a crumbled note. Phil appeared in the doorway behind Pj. I started reading the note, my eyes widening towards the end. "Who wrote this?!" I dropped my arm down and quickly looked up at him. "I-I don't know. You'd better call the police or something," Pj said, a very concerned look swept his face. I shook my head, "They couldn't do anything." Phil walked up to me and took the paper.

"Someone's coming for us?!" Phil yelped. "It'll be fine, Phil. It's probably a crazed fan," I lied to help keep Phil calm. Pj had left a few minutes ago, saying he needed to find Sophie. "Dan, we should really call the police." I shook my head, "They won't help us unless it's happened already." I heard a crash and Phil and I both looked at each other. We knew it wasn't Pj. Then footsteps got louder and suddenly there was someone wearing a mask, holding something I couldn't quite put a name on, standing in our doorway. I pushed Phil behind me. I wouldn't let him get hurt again. The person pointed the weapon, which I now could tell was a gun, right at me. My breathing hitched and I stepped towards them. I didn't know what the bloody hell I was doing, but I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to Phil. "Don't move, asshole," the masked person snapped at me. I stopped moving, of course. They had a gun and I didn't. I had my hands up, in surrender. Phil had his hands over his mouth. The masked person put their finger on the trigger. I didn't understand what their goal was until I heard a muffled boom and something rip through my side.

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