Chapter 17

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I think I fell asleep on Phil at some point because I opened my eyes and was still sitting on his lap. "Good morning, lovely," Phil smirked. I yawned, "Did we fall asleep like this?" Phil nodded, "We've got to get ready to go out with Louise in two hours." I nodded and pushed myself off Phil, "I'm gonna take a shower. The door's open if you feel like being conservative." I winked at him before walking into what was now our room. Phil ended up following me into the shower. That ended with lots of kisses. Phil got out before me and dried off. I slipped on, hilariously enough, a bar of soap and fell to the floor. I groaned and got up. Phil rushed over to me to make sure I was okay. "Get me a towel please," I held my hand out and Phil handed me a towel. I wrapped it around my waist and look in the mirror and look at my cheek. I saw a bruise starting to form. Phil came over and kissed my cheek, right on the bruise. "I'm gonna go get dressed, we accidentally spent an hour in the shower," He walked out into the room and changed. I dried my hair completely and growled at the deal Phil and I made last night.

I changed into black skinny jeans and my moth button up. Phil changed into his black button up with all the white dots and a light pair of skinny jeans. I snatched my black leather jacket from it's hanger and handed Phil his hoodie. I snuck a peak of my hair in the mirror and groaned at the curly mess. We were about to leave to meet up with Louise when I stopped and held out Phil's glasses, "You're forgetting something." Phil took the glasses from me and pecked me on the lips before putting them on. I followed him out to the cab. I texted Louise to tell her we were on our way. Phil cuddled up to me and played with my hair, "I'm glad we made that deal." I shrugged. The place Louise wanted to meet up at wasn't far from our flat, but we were obviously too lazy to walk. I tipped the driver as Phil and I got out and met Louise at the door. "Oh congrats guys! I saw all the tweets," Louise pulled us into a group hug. "Thanks!" Phil smiled and I almost melted. "C'mon, I got us a booth in the back," she winked, but immediately regretted it, "Oh god no I didn't mean to wink." I chuckled at her, "We're going to have an awkward day."

We got to the booth and ordered drinks. Phil got one of the fruity drinks and ordered for me so I had no clue what I got. Louise just got the same as Phil. "I'm going to go to the little gal's room. I'll be right back," Louise noted. She bumped her hip on the edge on the table and almost fell over trying to get up. She started laughing so it was okay for us to laugh too. She rubbed her hip before actually going to the restroom. "How do you do it?" Phil asked with a chuckle. I looked at him funny, "Do what?" "Get really awkward whenever we're around Louise," Phil smirked. I shrugged and kissed his nose. He wrinkled his nose up and kissed mine. Louise came back at the same time as our waiter was giving us out drinks. She had to stand awkwardly behind him, which only resulted in the waiter turning around and bumping into Louise. They both apologized and did that weird thing where they would both step in the same place before one walked off. Louise sat down and I could see her cheeks were flushed.

"This happens every time we go out," She joked. I chuckled, "It's better than the time you spill ice water all over yourself when it was bloody cold outside." Louise grimaced at the thought, "That was terrible." I took a sip of my drink and scrunched up my nose. It tasted like vodka with a dash or Ribena. It was strong at first, but I grew to the taste. We all chatted about the wedding and other things going on. Louise groaned about the fact the wedding was so long, but Phil and I countered with the fact of how romantic it would be to have in in 2022 when all the fans thought it would be. She smiled after that and called us adorable. We all had drink after drink, but Phil stopped after two. If he had anymore, he'd get drunk and I don't think he wants to be drunk. I didn't even notice I had a lot of drinks until my brain got fuzzy. The three of us shared a cab so we could make sure Louise got home safe. Phil had to help me up to our flat. I was stumbling and hiccuping. I felt a sudden dressing feeling of being drunk and having Phil take care of me, but I guess I always felt like when I got drunk. "Hey Philly. Pffft- I'm sorry," I removed myself from his grip and fell on the couch. "Don't move, I'm getting you some water," Phil ordered. I felt myself starting to pick up in that existential crisis that was right on time.

I rolled over and ended up on the floor and started panicking. These were worse when I was drunk, dammit. There were two ways I could get to feel better. I got up and went and went into the kitchen Phil was in there humming to himself. I sat down on the floor next to him and held my hand up to him. He took it and sat next to me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and leaned on him. Phil wrapped an arm around my shoulder and placed his other hand on my knee, "I'm here, Dan. I'm not leaving, okay?" I took deep breaths and nodded. "You're okay. You're fine. Pinch me, I'm real," Phil held his arm out to me and let me pinch him. "You're perfectly fine Dan." Phil reached up and grabbed a glass from the counter and handed it to me. I took a couple of sips and sat it back on the counter. "How's about we go and lay down?" Phil smiled and patted my knee. When he helped me to my feet, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room. He was surprisingly stronger than I thought he was. He laid me down on the bed and snuggled up next to me. I faced him and buried my head in his chest, "Don't leave me. Please don't leave me." Phil pet my hair, "I'm not going to leave you, love. I'm staying right here." He planted a kiss on my forehead, "We can stay in tomorrow and play Mario Kart. You don't have to do any work." I nodded and started to calm down, "Thank you."

[A/N: After this week I'm applying an update schedule for this story. I'll be updating ever Tuesday and Thursday and possibly on the weekends! And if anyone if handy with Photoshop, feel free to make a new cover for the story and tag me in it. My username is the same for everything.]

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