Chapter 38

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"Good morning love," Phil greeted me as I woke up. "Morning," I mumbled out. "We're getting married in three days," Phil blurted. I choked on the saliva in my throat, "God we are!" Phil chuckled at me and looked back down at his book. "Did anyone else RSVP?" I asked. Phil nodded, "Just a couple of our friends. Oh and Louise called. She said she would walk you down the aisle." "That's sweet of her," I gave a light smile and sat up. "We have to get on the road to the hotel in a couple hours. It's going to be a boring four hour drive," Phil yawned out, "I laid out clothes in the bathroom for you." "Thanks," I yawned as well and made my way to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower and washed the sleep off myself. When I got out, I dried off and pulled on the clothes Phil laid out. I didn't bother to fix my hair. I had just stopped the habit of straightening it back in 2017, six years ago. I walked out of the bathroom and was met by the empty bed. I frowned but my lips curled into a smile when I caught the scent of pancakes and melting butter. I followed the delicious scent into the kitchen where Phil was cooking.

"Phil, oh my god. You can't pack the bloody houseplants," I giggled from the doorway as I watched Phil lifting up a tiny cactus. He stuck his tongue out at me, "Honestly, I wanted to see if you would've noticed." "Of course I would notice dirt all over my clothes!" I argued, taking the cactus from him and putting it back on the shelf. Phil zipped up our last suitcase, the one with one with our tuxes. There was a knock at the door and I looked at Phil. "That must be my mum and Martyn," Phil's lips curled up, "I'll get it." I watched Phil rush out of the bedroom and down to the door. I followed behind shortly after, snatching up my shoes as well. "Mum! Martyn! It's so great to see you two," I heard Phil greet them. Then I heard his family's excited voices and the front door close. "Oh Dan! I haven't seen you in so long," Phil's mum came up and hugged me. I hugged her back, "It's so nice to see you again." When we pulled away, I ruffled Martyn's hair, "Great to see you too. You've grown!"  Martyn just huffed at me and fixed his hair, a smile present on his lips.

"So who's ready to head out?" Phil clapped his hands together. The other three of us cheered him on and rushed out to the van his mum drove over in. We stuffed all of our luggage in the back. Phil took over the driving position, his mum sat in the passenger's seat. Martyn and I sat in the back. I let him borrow Phil and I's old Nintendo games so he wouldn't get bored on the trip. "Phillip, honey. I'm sorry your dad didn't join us," I heard Phil's mum say in a hushed whisper. "It's alright. He probably would've crashed it anyways," Phil let out a chuckle, but I could tell he was a bit sad. I decided to help lighten the mood, "Hey Phil, remember when we went by Big Ben back in 2020 and it went off, making you slip and run into that lady?" "And it turned out to be Sophie? God that was absolutely awful! I felt so bad!" Phil cringed at the memory, but started to laugh anyways. His mother started to laugh too.

By the time we reached Liverpool, we checked into the hotel and met up with all of our friends and some more of Phil's family. We had booked a whole floor of the hotel for us and our guests. "Pj! God it's been what? Two years? And Chris!" Phil hugged the two. I hugged them as well, "We've got the Fantastic Foursome back together!" Pj chuckled, "And Chris was right! We're both the best man." Chris crossed his arms and gave his signature 'I was right' smirk. I shook my head and smiled as well. Then we heard that unforgettable squeal and all four of us turned around. "Louise!" I shouted. Louise came rushing down the hall and pulled all four of us into a group hug. She then ruffled mine and Phil's hair, "I can't believe you two are finally getting married!" The greetings went on and on and suddenly the dinner we planned had gone by and it was time for all of us to sleep. Phil and I were so tired by the time we reached our room that we literally fell back on the bed fully clothed. Neither of us minded, though, as we fell asleep.

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