Chapter 39

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Today was the day that Phil and I were getting married. He stayed with Pj for the night while Chris stayed with me. The next morning was frantic. I woke up before Chris and shook him until his eyes opened. I was nervous. Chris called us room service and we ate a small breakfast. He peaked over to see Phil and Pj getting their room service as well. We had to drive to the botanical gardens where we were getting married in two hours and make sure everything was perfect. After we ate, Chris took a shower first. Then I took one. I changed into my tux while Chris went to go get his from his and Pj's room. He came back with a note which he handed me. It was in Phil's funny handwriting, 'I can't wait to marry you. I bet you look absolutely handsome in that tux.' I giggled as I scribbled a note down for Phil. Mine read 'You know we could just text right? Besides, I bet you look even better than me.' "Chris! Take this to Phil please," I called for Chris. He stepped out of the bathroom and took the note from me, "What am I? A messenger?" I smirked and punched him playfully, "You started it." "Actually Phil started it, but I'll take it anyways," Chris ranted as he left the room.

Two hours passed of having Chris and Pj run notes around. Then Chris dragged me out of the hotel room and into his car. Louise was waiting inside for us. Chris drove us to the gardens and we started to check everything off. I saw Phil's mum and rushed over to her, "Has Phil arrived? Oh I hope he's not nervous." She smiled and placed a hand on mine, "Phil's fine. He told me to tell you that he loves you and can't wait to see you." I smiled and kissed her forehead, "Thank you." She smiled back and swatted at me playfully, "Now go get ready!" I nodded and let Louise lead me back to one of the rooms they had here. The makeup and hair artist we had hired motioned me to sit in a chair. I did as so and watched in the mirror as she fixed up my hair. I could see her nametag read Kelly. "I can't believe I'm getting married. And to Phil... Oh this is wonderful," I rambled to the lady. She smiled at me, "It's quite a magical day, huh? I remember my wedding. Gosh how nervous I was, but once I saw my groom up there down the aisle... It was amazing." This was the first I heard her really speak and I found her accent very soothing.

Kelly had spun my chair around so she could toss some makeup on my face. "You have a very nice complexion, you know. I'm quite jealous," she joked. "Why thank you. I always thought my pale skin was awkward," I smiled. "Aye. It's only awkward that the lightest of my blushes seem to fit it," Kelly nodded as she ran a brush over my cheeks. Her tongue was slightly poking out of her pink lips as she added a few more touches to my face, "There. Now don't go messing it up." I nodded and thanked her, "I'll try my best." She smiled and stepped out of the room. Louise stepped in with a huge smile on her face. She was looking beautiful. Her hair was done up in little curls and her makeup just made her eyes pop. "Oh Dan you look stunning," she came up and hugged me. I hugged her back, "I could say the same for you!" She blushed and thanked me, "I just checked up on Phil. He already had his makeup done and might I say you picked a fine one." I chuckled at her words, "Thanks."


When it was time for the actual wedding, Louise linked our arms together. I knew Phil was already out there standing next to Pj with Chris on the other side. I knew all of our friends and family were waiting in the seats happy to see us. Louise walked me down to meet Phil. We didn't have the regular wedding music playing, just some random tune by the pianist. My eyes met Phil's and fuck... how I could get lost in those eyes. Louise let me go when we reached Phil. I placed my hands in his as she took her seat. I didn't even pay attention to the clergy spoke. I just stood there staring into Phil's ocean eyes. He couldn't stop smiling at me, a genuine, full-eyed smile. I was smiling too. Phil could make anyone smile. He just had that aura to him. Then it was time for vows and Phil went first. "Dan. When we first talked online I thought about how much I wanted to meet you. Then we met and the first thing you said to me was 'You're real'. I said the same to you because I didn't know how someone as perfect as you could be real. Then we moved in together and got popular. I know we took a tumble back in 2012, but hell if that wasn't the best time for us to realize our love together then I don't know what is.

"Then we were together and everything was great. I never thought I would love anyone as much as I love you. So today I vow to not only be by your side until we die, but I vow to be yours after the fact. You are my forever, Dan." With that, Phil slipped the silver band onto my finger. I smiled and began my vows, "When we met for the first time I knew you were the one. I still know it. You're my everything. Even through everything we've been through. The thick and thin. All the autographs and all our apologies. We're still together. I know now that you are the stars to my night. I couldn't have asked for a better life partner. I vow to never leave you, to never hurt you. I vow to be yours for infinity and beyond." Everyone chuckled at my silly Toy Story reference as I slipped Phil's ring onto his finger. "You may now kiss the groom," the clergy called. Phil's hands immediately cupped my cheeks and I did the same to him. We brought our lips together and there was clapping all around us. We pulled away after what seemed like forever. Then we rushed back down the aisle hand in hand as our friends and family continued to cheer us on. We had walked into this place as two separate people, but we were leaving as Mr. Phil and Dan Lester.

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