Chapter 7

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I sat down next to Phil, pulling the bottles out of his hands. They weren't even opened so I was grateful. Phil wouldn't drink that much because of this. I got up and took the bottles back into the kitchen. I hit myself in the forehead for acting like such a drama queen. I trudged back into my room, sitting down next to Phil again. I shook him awake, trying to be gentle. "Phil, wake up. I want to apologize." His blue-green eyes fluttered open, immediately looking in my direction. "You came home?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm sorry, Phil. I overreacted. You wouldn't do that to me," I gave him a heartfelt smile and he leaned his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him. "Why did you have Scotch?" I asked quietly. "Pj had some, but he wasn't going to drink it so he gave it to me so we could celebrate or something," Phil explained.

"Get the Maltesers, Phil!" I shouted from the couch. Phil was in the kitchen getting himself a glass of water for himself. "Come and get them yourself, Dan!" He shouted back. I sighed and picked up my phone and actually texted Phil to bring them to me. "Are you serious? You're literally in the next room and you texted me," Phil shouted again. I heard him sigh relatively close to where I was. Then a box of Maltesers was tossed towards me, landing right on my lap. "Thank you," I muttered, stuffing my face with the delicious chocolates. Phil plopped down next to me with his laptop. We stayed like this for hours, taking only a few bathroom breaks. It was somewhere near three in the morning now and Phil asked me if I was going to bed with him, but I told him that I'll stay awake. [A/N: Cause the dark's not taking prisoners tonight] "Dan it's literally almost five in the morning," Phil whined, walking into my bedroom where I had relocated. My eyes were half closing on me from being tired, but tumblr was so interesting. Phil took my lack of reply as a sign and shut my laptop for me. I groaned at him as he sat it on my nightstand. He got under my blankets and snuggled up next to me. "Good night, Dan," His voice was full of sleep as he shut his eyes with his arms around my stomach. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "Good night, Phil."

I blinked my eyes open, groaning at the bright light coming into my room through my open bedroom door. Phil wasn't laying next to me anymore which made me groan again. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and checked the time, five in the afternoon. I looked up at the ceiling, not wanting to get out of this extremely comfortable bed. My door creeped open even more so I turned my heard to see Phil. "Oh, you're awake!" He said, smiling and sitting down next to me. "I need to go out to the store today. We're running low on cereal." Phil explained. I nodded. Phil continued talking, "I'll be back soon, okay?" "Okay," I replied, my voice a but croaky from sleeping. Phil smiled and walked out of my room. I stayed in my bed until I heard the front door to the flat open and close. I close my eyes for a split second, opening them quickly when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and checked who texted me. It was Pj.

Hey, Dan. I'm still REALLY sorry about the kitchen incident. I promise you that I would never do that to you or Phil. (Plus Sophie would actually KICK the Pj. Haha.) I hope you'll forgive me?

Hey. I believe you m8. (And don't do puns man, it doesn't suit you.) Phil just left for the store.

Such an outdoor person.

I know right.

I might be doing another film soon that I'll need you two for. Is that cool?

Yeah. What's it about?

I saw him typing, thinking it was going to be a long message, and went off to the bathroom to take a shower. I made sure to wash my hair and everything else before getting out and rapping myself in a towel. I'll just let my hair air dry, I thought to myself. I left the bathroom and picked out a pair of grey sweatpants and an old black t-shirt. I dropped my towel and got changed. I used the towel to dry my hair just a little bit before tossing it in the dirty clothes bin and walking into the kitchen to find something to eat. As Phil mentioned, we didn't have much cereal, so I took the last little bit of it and poured in some milk. I stood at the counter and ate it, cleaning to bowl and spoon when I was done. I grabbed my phone and laptop and proceeding to the couch where I got into my perfect 'browsing' position. I turned on my computer and immediately got onto Twitter and Tumblr, scrolling through the recents. It's already been an hour now, so Phil should be home soon. As if on cue, my phone buzz, getting a text from Phil.

Dan, there's this really annoying woman in front of me who keeps using coupons.
Send help.

Run her over

She finally left.
I'll be home soon, okay?

Okay. I'll be here.

There's this weird guy watching me as I'm walking towards the underground.

Ignore him.

He's coming closer to me.

You sound like me.

Read 6:29pm


Read 6:30pm

Phil answer me.

Phil this isn't funny. Text me back.

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