Chapter 34

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I stood in the hall and watched Phil walk back to the bed and sit down. He crossed his legs in front of him and hung his head in his hands. I debated on going over to him or not. I sat down next to him and placed a hand on his back, another one on his knee. I kept my voice low and soothing, "She's a strong lady, Phil. She will get through this and come to the wedding. You just have to be there for her." He sniffled and rubbed his eyes. His voice was muffled by his hands, "What are you? I can't leave you alone for two minutes." I sighed, "Phil I... I'll go with you. I'll stay along side you." Phil looked up at me and dropped his hands in his lap, "Really?" I nodded, "Of course." He looked down at his lap, "Will you call for that medication?" I nodded again, "You can watch me if you like." I could see a small smile make it's way onto Phil's pink lips. "Thank you Dan. I didn't mean to leave so suddenly," he leaned back, pulling us both down onto the bed. "What's done is done, Phil. Now I'm here to get better and take care of you," I smiled, planting a kiss on his head.

Phil and I eventually tweeted out that we would be on break until further notice, using the holidays as an excuse. I had called my doctor and ordered the medication I was previously offered to stop the drinking. Phil had sat next to me and watched. We would need to pick it up tomorrow. The two of us ordered Chinese and watched anime until we passed out on the sofa. Phil was laying on top of me, snoring slightly. I had one arm resting over his waist, the other was hanging off of the sofa. When I woke up, Phil wasn't on top of me anymore. I sighed at the lack of warmth and stretched. I searched for Phil and found him in the kitchen with a box of cereal in his hand. "Oh so you didn't save me any?" I snuck up behind him. Phil jumped, almost dropping the box, and turned to me, "Christ, Dan! You almost gave me a heart attack." I smirked and walked further into the kitchen. I poured myself a bowl, after snatching the box from Phil of course, and leaned against the counter to eat.

I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, which was really just my bowl and spoon, while Phil sat on the counter. His phone started ringing and my heart stopped. He didn't check who was calling before he answered it. I turned around and pressed my back against the counter, crossing my arms and watching Phil. "Oh hello Martyn," he gave me a surprised look, "Yes I'm back at home. Why? What's up?" Phil's expression changed. "Mum's in the hospital again? Is she alright?" Phil's voice went flat. My eyes widened. "Yeah of course. The surgery," Phil moved his free hand up to his eyes and wiped away the tears that were starting to form. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his knee. "She wants us there? Alright," he placed his hand over mine, "We'll be there." With that, he hung up the phone and looked at me. I gave him a look asking him to explain. Phil rubbed his eyes once more before speaking, "Mum is getting the surgery to have the tumor removed and she wants both of us there." I nodded, "Should we start packing then?"

I packed both of our suitcases, only carry-ons so we could get in and out faster. Phil purchased our tickets. We would leave tonight at eight at night, arrive in Florida around three in the after noon due to timezones. "I'm going to go pick up my prescription. Do you want to come?" I nodded to Phil, zipping up the last bag. "It'd be nice to get out," Phil said. I flashed him a smile before we both got ready. I drove us to the pharmacy, Phil relaxed in the passenger's seat playing games on his phone. "Dan! How could you let me forget?" He suddenly shouted, making me jump and swerve the car a bit. I pulled it straight again and furrowed my brows, "Bloody hell, Phil! Forget what?" "It's Christmas," Phil said with such a bleak tone of voice. "No way. You're joking," I glanced at him for a short second. "Would I ever joke about Christmas? God I can't believe we forgot Christmas through all of this," Phil sounded as if he was going to cry. I pulled into the pharmacy parking lot and took the key out of the car. I turned to Phil, "It's okay. We got the flat decorated and we still have those gifts under it. Christmas is not ruined. We'll just open them here and jump on our flight. Okay?" Phil nodded and mustered up a smile for me. I smiled back, "Now c'mon. We'll be in and out in no time."

We grabbed the medicine, not having to pay for it for insurance reasons, then dashed back to the car. Of course, Phil had to buy some candy canes first. He stuffed one in my mouth as I was driving back home. I rolled my eyes, but ate it nonetheless. Phil cheerily played Christmas music the whole ride home. Oh how the mood changed, I thought to myself. We rushed back up to our flat when we arrived. Phil unlocked the door and held it for me like a gentleman. I curtsied with my fake dress right in front of him. He chuckled which made me smile. He closed the door and stuffed the keys in his coat pocket, hanging it up. "Dan, the pharmacist said you needed to take one at lunch time every day and it's lunch time," he noted. I nodded and went to the kitchen to pour me a glass of water. I downed the pill and drank some water. I made a face at how it tasted. Phil then dragged me over to our rave tree and sat me down. We began opening presents laughing and smiling at what we got. It was a nice, calm day before we had to stuff some of these gifts into a suitcase and fly off to the States. "Merry Christmas, Phill," I smiled at him. "Merry Christmas, Dan," Phil said back, planting a kiss on my lips.

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