Chapter 14

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Phil and I have been on our tour in America for a while now. We had just wrapped up our last show, the one that went on for my birthday, yesterday. We were going to stay in Vegas for a day or two just to have fun. Phil had a whole day planned for the two of us today and wouldn't tell me anything about it. He told me we had to dress fancy, but comfortable and then proceeded to drag me out of the hotel room. The first place we went to was a museum type place. It was beautiful, actually. So many cool artifacts. Phil looked so interested in a lion statue that was as tall as him. It was so cute seeing him all excited like that. "Oh Dan! It's seven, we've got to get going now," Phil grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the building and down the street. He had this night perfectly planned. "I got us reservations at this nice restaurant, Danny," Phil cooed as he brought me up to the entrance. "Reservations?" The hostess asked. "Lester, for two," Phil answered her. She nodded, grabbed two menus and led us to our table.

We ordered our food and relaxed in our chairs. I rested my hand on the table and Phil placed his hand over mine. He hand something in his other hand, but I couldn't see what it was. "I can't believe we finished the tour," Phil smiled. His eyes seemed to have gotten brighter. I loved his eyes, they always seemed to be three different colors at once. "I know. It's crazy," I answered back. The waitress came over, setting our plates of pasta in front of us. "Enjoy," She smiled. "You to-" I smacked myself in the face to stop myself from finishing that sentence. "I can't believe I just said that," I groaned. Phil chuckled, "Just enjoy your dinner, Dan. She didn't even hear you, silly." I started eating and man was this pasta good. We finished eating minutes after and were now waiting for our dessert. Phil twirled his drink a bit before taking a sip and sitting the glass down. He looked me in the eye and I got nervous. "Daniel James Howell. You're the best thing ever to happen to me. This is really cheesy, I know, but cheesy is my middle name. Well not really, but you get it," Phil chuckled and looked up at me.

"I kind of said all this months ago that one night. I really, really like you, Dan. I honestly want to spend the rest of my life with you-" Phil pushed himself out of his chair and got down on one knee. My eyes widen and tears welled up in my eyes. "Dan Howell, my wonderful boyfriend, my best mate for years, my roommate. Will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" Phil opened a small black box that held this dark silver ring with diamonds incrusted in it to look like our cat whiskers. I smiled and him and nodding excessively. Phil smiled wide and stood up, pulling me into a warm hug. The people around us in the restaurant started clapping and congratulating us. Phil and I broke from our hug and he took the ring out of the box, slipping it onto my finger. We both sat down again and I admired the ring. It was amazing. Phil looked at me, "Do you like it?" I nodded and smiled at him, "I love it, Phil." He smiled again and relaxed in his chair. The waitress came up to us with a huge smile, handing us our dessert. "Congratulations!" "Thanks," Phil and I both managed to say at the same time.

We finished our dessert and started to walk back home after paying. "Oh man I feel like I'm going to explode," I leaned into Phil, patting my stomach. Phil chuckled, "Yeah, but the food was amazing." I nodded. We got back to the hotel and went up to our room. Changing out of our clothes into something comfortable to sleep in. We relaxed on the bed and scrolled through Tumblr until we both fell asleep. I woke up and stretched. Phil greeted me by kissing my nose. "Good morning my lovely fiancé," He purred. I smiled and kissed his nose, "Good morning to you, too." "We've got a flight to catch today," Phil mentioned. I groaned, "We do, don't we." Phil yawned, making me yawn. He rolled out of bed making me groan again. "Come on, Dan. We have to get ready so we don't miss the flight," Phil walked over to my side of the bed and tossed the blankets off me. I groaned once again and got out of the bed, throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and my black 'No Face' sweater. Phil put on his fox sweater and some skinny jeans as well. We both put on our shoes and started to pack.

We grabbed breakfast and paid for our room before calling a taxi. The cabbie dropped us off at the airport and we tipped him, taking our stuff out of the trunk. We pulled our luggage into the airport, checked them in and went through security. It was six here, with a nine hour flight. Since London was five hours ahead, it would be eight in the morning when we got back there and three in the morning here. We were going to have terrible jet lag once again. Phil bought a bunch of American snacks to bring back with us, plus some to eat on the plane. We waited at the gate for half an hour until we were boarded onto the plane. Everyone packed into their seats, fastened their seatbelts, and we took off. On our way back to London for a non-stop flight. Phil wanted the window seat so he could gaze at the beautiful scenery. "It's very aesthetic," I said. Phil stuck his tongue out at me, "You're lame." I chuckled, "I know, but I'm your lame." "That made no sense." "You make no sense." "I love you, Dan." "I love you too, Phil."

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