Chapter 12

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I was scrolling through Tumblr while relaxing on my bed, enjoying the sound of the rain outside. Then all of a sudden my computer died and the lights went out. "PHIL," I shouted, shutting my laptop. I saw a flash of light outside my window and a loud crack of thunder. "DAN WHERE ARE YOU?" Phil shouted back. I grabbed my phone and turned on a flashlight and walked outside of my room. I went into Phil's room and found him on his bed, curled up with his stuffed lion. As I was walking towards him, another flash of lightning lit up the room and another loud crack of thunder made me jump. I got onto Phil's bed and sat next to him. He immediately cuddled up next to me and I wrapped a protective arm around him. "I think the power went out, Philly," I stated. Phil groaned, "Can you go get candles?" "I'll be right back," I slowly removed myself from Phil's side and shined my flashlight on my path. I went for my bathroom and looked under the cabinets for some candles. I found a whole box and started wondering why we even had candles. I grabbed a match box and started lighting candles around the house.

The last two candles were going to go in the kitchen. I stepped into the kitchen and sat the candles on the counter. I went to lit a match, but got a dud. The box ran out so I searched around the kitchen for a lighter or something. I moved a bit too fast and my sock-covered-feet slipped on the tile and I banged my arm on the counter, feeling something cold scratch it. It was probably just the edge of the counter. I used my arm to push me up from the counter, but it hurt like hell. I shrugged it off as me just bruising it and grabbed my flashlight again. It lit up the counter and I saw one of the knives sitting there, a bit of something red on it. I tossed the knife in the sink. The light flashed on my arm for a second, making me catch a glimpse of red. "Dammit," I cursed, shining the light completely on my arm. I must've cut it on that stupid knife. I held my cut arm close to me and found a lighter and lit the candles. I turned off my phone's flashlight. I walked into Phil's room to check on him and found him asleep. I maneuvered my way to his bathroom because I was too lazy to go to my own. I used the not-so-bright candle and found a first aid kit.

I started to go through the components when Phil showed up in the doorway. "What happened?" He asked, walking over to examine my arm, but scrunched his face up at the blood. "I bloody slipped in the kitchen and there was a knife on the counter." Phil frowned and took the anti-bacterial ointment and put it over the cut. He took out a Band-Aid and carefully placed it over the cut. Then he leaned down and planted a kiss right on top of the Band-Aid. "Phil," I protested at his childish ways. He slipped his hand into mine and led me out into his room. "It's kind of romantic with all of these candles," Phil's cheeks were flushed a cute shade of pink. His arms traveled up to my neck and mine traveled down to his wait. I pressed my lips against Phil's for only a second. He kissed me back. We kept at it for a while. Completely distracted until there was a flicker of light before the room was filled. The power had come back on. Phil smiled, "Hey look at that!" I smiled back, "We've got to blow out all the candles before one of us burn the flat down." Phil nodded in agreement with me and grabbed my hand. We went room to room, blowing out all the candles. Well, Phil blew them out and I held the box to put them back in.

We finally boxed up all the candles and put them back where I found them. "How about we binge watch something?" Phil suggested. I shrugged and checked the time. It was actually four thirty in the morning. I let out a yawn and turned to Phil. He chuckled, "I'll take that as a no." "Actually, could we just sit on the couch for a bit?" I asked, running a hand through my soon-to-be hobbit hair. Phil nodded and we made our way to the lounge. I sat down and Phil cuddled up next to me. I snatched a blanket from off the floor and placed it over us. Phil's hand made its way into my hair and played with the annoying curls that started to form. "Dan?" Phil whispered. "Yeah, Phil?" I whispered back. "I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you." His eyes were closed, but his lips were curled into a smiled. I couldn't reply to him because I knew I felt the same. He opened his beautiful blue eyes and stared at me. "No, I know I do. I love you so much Daniel James Howell. You don't know how much you make my day everyday. Your smile could light up a room. The way you make those silly jokes that always make me laugh. Those brown eyes of yours that honestly make the world better. We've spent so many great years together, Dan. I really don't want them to end. I'd really love to spend the rest of my life with you. I'd even love to get married to you."

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