Chapter 19

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I rolled over to wrap my arm around Phil, but he wasn't there. I groaned and opened my eyes. The bedroom door was closed and the lights were still off. I should probably go see where he is. I rolled out of bed, pulled on some sweatpants and one of my sweaters before heading out the bedroom door. "Phil? Where are you?" I called out, peaking into his old room. I suddenly smelled pancakes and started to walk towards the kitchen. Phil didn't notice me come in so I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. He jumped, "Dan! Don't scare me like that!" I smirked and kissed his cheek, "Happy anniversary, love." "Happy anniversary, bear," Phil said back. "Why are you picking up that nickname again?" I rested my head on his shoulder. "I missed it. It's cute," he swayed side to side a bit, "Why? Do you not like it?" I shook him head, "No, I like it. It's just been years since you called me that." Phil moved the pancakes from the pan to two separate plates. I let go of him and took the plates to the table while Phil poured himself a cup of tea and a cup of coffee for me.

"These pancakes are delicious, Phil," I got out between bites. "Slow down before you choke," Phil chuckled. I finished my plate before Phil, but cleaned up both of our plates. "Now go sit on the couch and close your eyes," I ordered. Phil nodded and covered his eyes. I went off and pulled out the joke gift from the cabinet and held it behind my back before sitting in front of Phil. "Don't open your eyes yet. I want a kiss before you get your gift," I chuckled. Phil smirked and leaned in to kiss me, but I had him kiss the stuffed lion instead. Phil's eyes shot open and he smirked. "Oh, Dan it's so cute!" I held it out so Phil could hug it. "So you like it?" I asked. Phil nodded excitedly, "I love it! I got you a gift too, but it's less hands on and we have to wait until tonight, okay?" I nodded slowly. Phil held his hand out and I put my hand in it. Phil intertwined our fingers. Phil's phone went off and we both groaned. "Oh! Um- I'll be right back," Phil stepped out, leaving the stuffed lion on the couch and going into his old room. I leaned back in the couch and waited for Phil to come back.

Phil came back, looking at the ground while he walked. "Who called?" I tilted my head at him. Phil shrugged, "No one you need to worry about, love." Phil came over and sat in my lap, resting the back of his head on my chest, "I can't believe you actually said yes." I wrapped my arms around his waist, "Did you think I wouldn't?" Phil shrugged, "I didn't know. I thought I might scare you off." I chuckled, "Why would you scare me off?" "I rushed into asking you? I'm not a very good person to be around everyday, Dan," Phil looked up at the ceiling. I squeezed him tighter, "Don't say that, Phil. I've lived with you for years and never got tired of you!" "Yet," Phil muttered. "What?" I questioned. "Yet. You haven't gotten tired of me yet. My own father got tired of me so why wouldn't you? I'm not that ball of sunshine everyone says I am, Daniel. I'm just a menace to society," Phil sounded like he was starting to cry, "I was so surprised that you said yes when I asked because no one's ever cared about me as much as you. I don't know why you do. I don't matter to anyone." I turned him around in my lap so he was facing me and put my hands on his cheeks.

"Phillip Michael Lester. Don't you ever say that. You're wonderful. Who cares about your dad okay? He doesn't see what I do. He doesn't see what our millions of fans do, Phil. You're such a beautiful person inside and out so don't you ever say that. I don't care if you get sad sometimes or if you do something silly. I do the same things, okay? People are allowed to get sad sometimes. So don't you ever say you ever tell me that you don't matter. You matter so damn much to me. I would probably die if you weren't with me. I said yes to marrying you because I couldn't wait to spend our lives together. I've been dreaming of marrying you since I was eighteen. Ever since that stupid video we made together where you jumped on me and we both fell on the floor and kissed for the first time, but had to cut that out. I've been dreaming of marrying the man who helps me through all my bad times and sits with me when I'm drunk off my arse and can't seem to get my head straight. I love you, Phil. I love you with everything in me," I had to take a deep breath after speaking because I didn't take on the whole time I was talking.

I didn't even notice that Phil had started crying or even that I was crying too. Phil wrapped his arms around my neck and I didn't even flinch. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "Sorry for what? Being human? Don't be sorry about that," I reassured him. Phil looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of his that were turning red and puffy, "I love you, Dan. Thank you." I smiled slightly at him, "I love you too, Phil. I should be the one thanking you. You've done so much for me." I leaned towards him and pressed our lips together. Phil kissed me back. When we pulled away, we rested our foreheads together. I lifted my hands up and placed them on his cheeks. I used my thumb to wipe away the tears in his cheeks, "You still look handsome." Phil cracked a smiled and held onto my wrists as my hands were still resting on his cheeks. I moved so I was laying down with Phil laying on top of me with his head on my chest. Phil grabbed the remote and put of a random movie. I stroked his back with my left hand and held in left hand in my right hand.

Once it was dark outside, Phil had made me dress up all fancy, but comfortable. "Oh don't you look dashing," I smirked when he stepped out of the bathroom. He was only wearing a white, short-sleeved, button-up and some black skinny jeans, but he looked great. "You don't look too bad yourself," Phil placed his hands on my chest. I went to kiss him, but he back away. I frowned, but he smiled, "We've got to get going or we're going to miss it." I tilted my head and grabbed both of our jackets as Phil dragged me out of our flat. "Mind telling me where we're going?" I asked. Phil pushed me into a cab and sat down next to me. The driver looked at us from the rearview mirror, "Phil Lester?" Phil nodded and the driver took off. "It's a secret," Phil smirked. I looked out the window and saw the London Eye and looked back at Phil, "We've been on that thing hundreds of times, it's not so romantic." Phil shrugged, "Just wait." We got out of the cab and walked over to it and got into one of the carts. No one else got into it, but I didn't question it. I leaned against the window and watched as we went up. We stopped at the top for a bit and Phil pressed his lips against mine, taking a picture of us kissing on his phone. I bet he'd frame that later.

After we made it back down to the ground, Phil slipped his hand into mine and half ran to that park I saw earlier. There was a blanket on the ground along with a picnic basket that Phil sat down on. I sat down net to him and marveled at how beautiful the park looked with fairy lights strung about. "Now I feel bad for just getting you a silly stuffed animal, Phil," I frowned. Phil rubbed my arm, "This wasn't even my idea." "It's perfect though," I replied. Phil opened the picnic basket and started to set up the meal that was in it. Funny enough, it was spaghetti. "Are we going to Lady and the Tramp this?" I chuckled. Phil chuckled back, "Only if it comes to it." I jokingly rolled my eyes and we started eating. Romantically or humorously, we did have a Lady and the Tramp moment and someone took a picture of us when we kissed. I pulled away and looked to see that Louise was waving at us, "Sorry! Phil called me to be the photographer." I waved back and Phil looked down a bit embarrassed. I rubbed his back as Louise walked away, "At least we'll have pictures to remember this moment now." Phil smiled and I kissed him again. "Happy anniversary, my dear," I said. Phil smiled, "Happy anniversary, bear."

Yet that was the last thing I remembered before a bright flash of light came speeding through the park and I heard someone scream.

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