Chapter 13

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"Dan wake up! I'm going to eat all of these Delia Smith pancakes without you!" Phil shouted from the kitchen. I groaned and rolled out of the bed. "Phil nO!" I shouted back, rushing for the kitchen, but slipping in my socks and landing on my butt right before I reached the kitchen's entrance. Phil started laughing and had to prop himself up on the counter. I frowned at him, "Aren't you going to help me up?" Phil calmed down and stuck his hand out towards me. I put my hand in his and yanked him down towards me. "Dan! Ow!" Phil yelped, falling on top of me. I was laughing this time. I got up and helped him up as soon as I caught my breath. We both walked into the kitchen without falling this time. "Phil what the hell? There aren't even any pancakes!" I turned towards him and crossed my arms. Phil tossed his arms up, "I thought we could make them together!" I raised an eyebrow at him, "You remember what happened last time, don't you?" Phil shrugged and pulled me closer to him with a pouty face plastered on him, "Please, Dan. It'll be fun!" I couldn't just say no to that face of his. I uncrossed my arms and threw them up in defeat, "Fine, fine. Go take out the ingredients and I'll pull up the recipe." Phil smiled and jumped up and down like a child.

I brought my laptop into the kitchen and saw him rummaging through the cabinets for the ingredients. "Alright," I said as I started to read through the recipe. "First of all sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl with the sieve held high above the bowl so the flour gets an airing," I started. Phil began to sift the flour, handing it to me at some point. We continued on with the recipe until we came out with a stack of perfect pancakes. [A/N: I actually found the recipe here- ] Phil got out two plates for us and I got out two glasses. He started to plate the pancakes and I poured us some drinks. Phil sat our plates on the table and I placed our drinks next to our plates. We both sat down and started eating. "Phil these are so good," I said as I stuffed the last bite on my mouth. "Don't you mean were?" Phil joked. I rolled my eyes at him and went to take my plate to the sink. Phil stopped me and took the plate from me instead. "You sure you don't want help?" I asked, walking up behind him. Phil nodded, "I'm fine, Dan. Go relax."

I took Phil's advice and took my laptop to my room. I need to the film a video, but I didn't know what to film. Phil came in a few minutes later, lightly knocking on my door. "What are you doing?" He asked me, sitting down beside me on the bed. "Wondering what I should film about," I answered back. "We should uh- we should- yeah," Phil stammered out, playing with his shirt collar. I nodded, knowing exactly what he was trying to say, "Do you want to right now? We can put it on both our channels." Phil nodded and helped me set up to film. We decided to film in my room since it was neater than Phil's room. We both sat down on the bed at the same time after I turned on the camera. "Ready?" I looked over at Phil. He nodded at me and gave me a thumbs up. I turned back to the camera, "Hey Internet! So Phil and I have a big announcement for all of you out there-" "A really big announcement," Phil chimed in. I placed my hand on top of Phil's hand that was resting on the bed. "We're a couple now!" I chirped. Phil nodded, "Phan is real for all you odd ball shippers out there."

We both took a deep breath and I turned off the camera. I took out the card and held it up as I turned to Phil, "We really going to do this?" Phil nodded, "Don't cut any of it out though, okay?" "I won't," I answered, putting the card into my computer and beginning to edit it. Phil sat beside and watched, pointing out things I should do ever so often. We finished editing about ten minutes later since Phil didn't want me cutting anything out. I uploaded it to both of our YouTube channels as soon as we finished. Phil shut my laptop and placed his arms over my shoulders loosely, avoiding my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist, "I'm so glad we did that." Phil smiled, "Me too." "What should we do for the rest of the day?" I questioned. Phil thought for a moment, "How about we just take a walk around London?" "Sounds good." We both got off the bed and started for the front door. I grabbed my house key and my phone. Phil stuffed his phone in his pocket. We both slipped on our shoes and walked out the door.

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